Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Almost Done - Day 363

My blog is heading toward the finish line. Only two more days until I reach Day 365. I keep waffling between taking a sabbatical and moving my focus on to my much neglected Heartsong Cookies blog. My friend Karen begged me to keep it going. My friend Kenda strongly suggested I document my business journey on Heartsong. And I cannot make up my mind. Hopefully the next two days will bring an epiphany.

Amazingly, COOKIES were the theme of the day. I delivered the Love Always Cookie to Carolyn with an added bonus basket of NO NUT Cookies for her husband Randy. They were the result of another cookie experiment...a mix of semisweet, bittersweet and milk chocolate chips added to my base with a touch of cinnamon. The taste was interesting, but not perfect. The cookies spread to the size of Montana. Most of my cookies are filled with lots of chocolate, nuts and/or dried fruit...4-4 1/2 cups. NO NUT Cookies only have 3 cups of goodies, so they don't hold their shape so well. I must find a no nut dough that holds its shape. Maybe a denser flour is the answer.

Tonight after work I threw together a batch of White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookies for Heather's promotion luncheon tomorrow with the boys. Heather is one of my biggest cookie fans and I could not think of a better way to thank her on her way to bigger and better things than with a cookie and a hug.

Many hugs,

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