Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chris' Most Excellent Adventure - Day 359

For Chris, Day 2 of his thrill a minute weekend began with a trip to Athena Cafe for breakfast. His eyes lit up when he spied Biscuits with Sausage Gravy on the menu. Chris is the King of Sausage Gravy and Athena's version got two thumbs up. Mike and I ordered our usual, Cheese Steak Omelet for Mike, Athena Special for me.

Postings about Athena are not unusual. This little hole in the wall cafe has a menu filled with comforting goodness, a friendly wait staff and an eclectic clientele. Like the elderly couple sitting in the booth behind us. The wife repeatedly asked our server where her decaf coffee was and when I say repeatedly, I mean 5 or 6 times within a 5 minute span. Our server finally resorted to a play by play of the brewing process which seemed to calm her down. The best line came from her husband. When the server asked him how he would like his eggs, he solemnly replied - "On a plate". Without skipping a beat, the server acknowledged his request and moved on to the next question - "And how would you like them prepared?" Mike and I made eye contact and started to giggle. This started a chain reaction at the table. Chris joined in the fun even though he had no earthly idea what we were laughing about. All that he knew was this was a great start to a most excellent adventure.

This evening the fun continued with a trip to Boardwalk Bowl for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society bowling fundraiser with my buddies from SeaWorld. The cookie basket I donated actually had quite a few tickets in its little bucket. That was a very good thing. We bought a few raffle tickets of our own, won an Outback Gift Basket, collected lots of hugs and headed out before the cookie basket winner was awarded. Buffalo Wild Wings was our next destination. Beer, wings, onion rings, buffalo chips with cheese and celery with blue cheese made for three very happy, very full, very round and very sleepy adventurers.

Seeing our "exciting" life through the eyes of our friend Chris has opened my eyes. I think Chris may be right. Our life is one never ending, fun filled adventure best enjoyed with family and friends.

Many hugs,

Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekend With Chris - Day 358

For some unknown reason, our friend Chris thinks we live a really exciting life. So every so often we pick him up for the weekend to prove him just how wrong he is. I picked him up late this afternoon to begin this week's installment of excitement. At Chris' request we headed straight for Brio for a dinner of Peroni beer and Tuscan Tasters. While low on the excitement meter, the food was good and cheap and the conversation quite lively...not. But Chris seemed to enjoy himself. Then it was on to Bake Me A Cake Cafe to meet Kenda and Mark. While the bakery case was quite stimulating, the conversation had a glazing effect on Chris. Poor guy. He had to endure talk of the horrible state of the printing and advertising businesses, layoffs, unemployment, no jobs and worry.

The icing on the cake was a visit to my least favorite retail establishment in the entire universe...a WalMart Super Center. Cash deprivation requires thrifty shopping and unfortunately WalMart is the place to go for thriftiness. They have the best price on Nestle Chocolate Chunks and I needed some for a BIG Heart Cookie order I got this afternoon. Plus, what is more exciting than people watching at WalMart on a Friday night?!

By the end of the evening Chris was catatonic...that is until Mike handed him the remote. Nick at Nite here he comes.

Many hugs,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Counting Down The Days - Day 357

Eight days is all I have left of my year long blog adventure. Eight days. I can't believe that I am that close to meeting the challenge Ryan issued 357 days ago. Ryan didn't believe I would keep up a daily blog for a full year. Frankly, I didn't believe I would blog for a full year. But a challenge is a challenge.

I have a confession to make. I actually love doing my nightly posting. It is my therapy. A chance to organize my thoughts, reflect on the day, share tips about places to eat out on a budget and on rare occasions share a recipe or two. I intended it to be a blog about food. I ended up with a blog about life. It gave a handful of people who followed it religiously a window into my life. It brought me closer to my friends. It gave me much more than I ever expected.

As I count down the days, I am perplexed. With a new business only a few weeks away, time is precious. My Heartsong Cookies blog has been sorely neglected. Do I give up the daily posting all together? Do I focus on Heartsong blogging instead? Do I take a blogging sabbatical? I just don't know. Eight days. Eight days to figure it out.

Many hugs,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Souper Evening - Day 356

Tonight I needed comfort and relaxation. I found it in the fridge. Soup is my perfect idea of comfort food, so tonight I decided to throw together a chowder from the leftovers I found in the fridge. The result was a Mac and Cheese Chicken Corn Chowder. It sounds decadent and it was. But it was also very good.

Sweet onions were diced and thrown in the pot with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. After they softened a bit, I added corn cut off one ear and a little chicken stock. Five minutes of simmering cooked the corn until it was still a little crunchy. I added diced leftover fried chicken cutlets, skim milk, hot sauce, leftover mac and cheese, a little Parmesan cheese, a teaspoon of butter, Weathervane seasoning, salt and pepper. The result was creamy, cheesy, hearty comfort and the perfect vehicle for hot sauce...lots of hot sauce. I washed it all down with homemade red sangria. Maddie was my dining partner and she loved the chowder as much as I did.

After three days of feeling lousy, doctors appointments and medical procedures, I was ready for Couch Potatoville. What a great destination. A laptop, a bowl of soup, a glass a wine, lots of pillows and Food Network on the tube. This is a souper way to spend an evening.

Many hugs,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Surprised Again - Day 355

I think I must have a mental block about this special day. Every year I fall victim...or should I say I am blessed with the most wonderful surprise...Mike's acknowledgment of the anniversary of the day we got engaged. This morning when I got out of the shower two cards were waiting for me on the counter. "What are these for?" I cluelessly asked. Mike just smiled. He got me again. The cards were beautiful and filled with just the right words to make me feel like the luckiest woman on earth.

He also made reservations at my favorite restaurant, The Ravenous Pig, for dinner tonight. It was a splurge we REALLY shouldn't indulge, but it was oh so worth it. A basket of Gruyere Biscuits was a given the moment we walked in the door. These biscuits are the best I have ever tasted. If I ordered nothing else, I would have been a happy camper. But I could not do that. I ordered a half portion of Spaghetti Nero, squid ink pasta topped with Romesco sauce, grilled squid and homemade sausage. This was a stellar dish. The sauce was rich with flavor and the half portion was a perfect amount. Mike ordered a Pub Burger with Truffle Fries and was equally pleased with his choice. If you haven't tried "The Pig" as it is affectionately called, YOU SHOULD! It has a wonderful energy the moment you walk in the door. The menu changes seasonally with a handful of tried and true constants. Most entree prices at dinner are somewhere in the twenties, but options are available for the cash deprived...starters, half orders and the pub fare items allow you to experience the delight of dinner at The Pig without cleaning out your piggy bank.

Michael Paiva, I love you! Thanks for surprising me...again.

Many hugs,

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Antidote - Day 354

This morning I woke up feeling like I was 102. Actually I went to sleep feeling the same way. I don't have time for feeling lousy. I've got things to do and people to see. I filled my head with all the positive thoughts I could muster. Nothing. I still felt lousy. Maybe a shower would do the trick. Nope...still lousy. I slowly got dressed, trudged out to my car and headed to work.

After a miserable morning, I finally found the temporary antidote to what ails me. Lunch at Siam Garden with Morgan and David. Somehow mild Panang Curry had a calming affect on my crazy stomach. Go figure. The food was awesome and a great value at $6.95. The three of us plotted website plans for Heartsong Cookies. We worked out business card details. We discussed projects and mutual friends. I walked out to my car feeling 25 instead of 102. The two of them have that affect on me. They treat me like a contemporary, not a woman old enough to be their mom.

I am so glad we will be forever linked by the logo Morgan designed for me. All their hard work on Heartsong gives me a huge incentive to succeed. I can't wait until I can compensate them in something other than cookie currency. It's tasty, but it doesn't pay the bills.

Many hugs,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Home Cook - Day 353

The Wine Lady, the Cookie Lady, Butthead...I answer to so many different monikers. One that has been sorely missing from my repertoire is Home Cook. Tonight after work I vowed to remedy that for at least one meal. I picked up some frozen shrimp, a bag of oranges, lettuce, corn, strawberries, blueberries and headed straight home to my kitchen.

I thawed the shrimp, then placed them in a bowl with some freshly squeezed orange juice, olive oil and Weathervane seasoning. While the shrimp bathed in their citrus bath, I cut the corn off the cob and added it to a saute pan with a little water to steam. When the water was almost evaporated, butter, fat free milk, a couple of tablespoons of herb cheese, a few shakes of hot sauce and salt and pepper joined the pan. This is my version of creamed corn - not overwhelmed by creaminess to allow the fresh sweetness of the corn to shine through. My salad was a simple one of greens, crumbled goat cheese, fresh cherries and toasted pecans topped with a drizzle of homemade orange vinaigrette. While Mike heated up the grill, I threaded the shrimp on skewers and made some foil veggie packets of fresh asparagus with Vidalia onion slices, a drizzle of olive oil and more Weathervane seasoning. The veggie packets went on first, followed by the shrimp skewers. For once the shrimp did not overcook. The asparagus were not quite so lucky. They ended up a little limp and bitter. Overall the meal was a tasty success.

Dessert was meant to be a Snickerdoodle Berry Shortcake. I macerated sliced strawberries and blueberries in a little sugar and Frangelico liqueur. While the berries hung out, I threw together a batch of Toasted Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies for a website meeting with Morgan and David tomorrow. This was just enough time for my head to catch up with my tummy. I was stuffed and could not eat another bite. So my pairing of macerated berries served over a buttery, cinnamon Snickerdoodle cookie with whipped cream and toasted hazelnuts will have to wait for another day.

It feels so good to actually write a foodie blog posting about cooked at home.

Many hugs,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Comfort Sandwich - Day 352

As I sat next to Mike and across from Christine and Ryan in the booth at Athena Cafe, a feeling of extreme comfort came over me. The feeling didn't have much to do with the Athena Special platter before me or the big bowl of creamy grits. While both were delicious comfort foods, they don't affect me quite like this. This was a feeling of peaceful bliss that only comes from being surrounded by love.

I am sure the few of you that read my blog on a regular basis must want to gag when I wax on with my sentimental musings. I honestly can't help myself. Challenging times and hormones seem to be the perfect potion to awaken my senses. I see things I never saw before. Feel things so much more intensely. Appreciation takes on a new meaning. In good times I enjoyed my life, but I don't know that I ever truly appreciated it. Now I wrap myself in the good times like a child's favorite blanket and I won't let go.

After work Kenda, Mark, Mike and I set off on an eclectic evening of fun. We headed to Raphsodic Cooperative Company for vegan bakery items and Morgan and David's Designer Showdown event. It was an evening of self discovery...Mike and I discovered we REALLY like our animal products. My Earl Grey Blueberry cupcake was a nice balance of fresh blueberries and tea, but it was very sweet and the texture left something to be butter and eggs. Mike felt the same way about his Salted Caramel Brownie. Raphsodic has a nice vibe to it. The tea was quite good and those with a taste for vegan goodies will be happy campers.

After dessert, it was time for dinner. Still in a discovery mode, we all piled in the car for dinner at Pom Pom's Teahouse and Sandwiches. This funky little cafe serves a delightful array of sandwiches, tea and Blue Bird Bakery Shop cupcakes. Kenda and I ordered the iced tea of the day - Pumpkin Chai. To me it was delicious. To Kenda it was nose scrunching yuk. Our sandwiches and salads got thumbs up all around. Mark diagrammed a cupcake on a couple of napkins, Kenda charmingly scrunched her nose while describing less than successful evenings out and Mike sat by snickering at the goofiness of it all. I wrapped myself in the same peaceful bliss feeling of the morning surrounded by people I love.

Today was a comfort sandwich and that is a very good thing.

Many hugs,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Christine's Snickerdoodles - Day 351

Christine made a special request for her arrival. She wanted Snickerdoodles and Snickerdoodles she will have. Last night I baked a batch of the delightfully simple treat to satisfy her craving. I don't think there is a better name for a cookie in the entire universe. It is impossible to keep a smile from your face when you say it...heck even when I think of the name, I smile. Come on...try it. Snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles. Admit it, you feel a smile coming on.

This cookie is the perfect Christine cookie. Christine is my son Ryan's friendgirl...girlfriend. Heck, I don't know what she is. All I know is when I get a call or a text or a facebook message from her, I have the same reaction as saying Snickerdoodles a hundred times. Christine lives in Boyertown, a small town outside of Philadelphia, and it has been far too long since she paid us a visit. Tonight is the night and I am anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Cookie baking a batch of Ryan's favorite cookies helped me pass the time. Ryan loves anything with chocolate and nuts, but his favorite is a mix of M & Ms, Mini Kisses and Toasted Pecans. I used the extra large scoop and the end result was a batch of gargantuan treats. As an added bonus, I held back big spoonfuls of uncooked dough to satisfy the inner kid in them.

Oh wait, I think I hear the door! Time for a Snickerdoodle and a smile.

Many hugs and Snickerdoodles,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unwrapping The Best Present - Day 350

Yesterday, Ms. Kathy's Wild Ride was exactly that...WILD. The afternoon found me playing bumper cars in a parking lot with a big black Ford Explorer. My little CRV got the worst of the encounter, leaving the scene with a wrinkled rear bumper. It was not my fault, but still a pain in my rear. Between lack of sleep, a hormone tsunami and stress, I shed a few tears.

I needed a little TLC and some bakery case therapy. I headed to Hair Cuttery for a haircut and then to Bake Me A Cake Cafe to pick up dessert for dinner at McC's. Bake Me A Cake Cafe is a charming little bakery located on New England Avenue in Winter Park, across from Dexter's. When I walked through the door, my heart skipped a beat. Before me was a bakery case filled with beautiful cupcakes and a large selection of mini pastries. I wanted to wrap up the entire case with a bow on top and take it to David and Sheri's. Instead, I asked the clerk to describe each of the choices one by one. He filled a bakery box with my treats from delicate cream puffs to a cookie fudge tart. It was a beautiful thing...and just the therapy I needed to forget my wrinkles.

Dinner at McC's Japanese Garden Cafe was spectacular. I know last night I said I would let the pictures do the talking...but I have so much more to say.

David outdid himself. He set the dinner bar so high I will never reach it. No detail was overlooked. He even wrote out the menu as a cheat sheet for my blog posting. The meal was a feast for the eyes and palate. We began with Udon Noodle Soup, then a salad of Ranier cherries and cucumbers. The lazy Susan was filled with a beautiful sushi selection - Florida Rolls, Shrimp Rolls and Salmon Rolls, an Avocado Salad for Sheri, Tuna Tataki, Sesame Green Beans and Japanese Tea. I am in love with this lazy Susan! Each turn brings a new gift to your plate.

Over dinner we shared stories of their recent trip to Highlands, North Carolina. They described their favorite store in the center of this tiny town - The Stone Lantern, a Japanese wonderland that served as the inspiration for our meal. Quirky family stories and reminiscences from the past filled the conversation. Last night I unwrapped one of the best gifts in life...friendship. Every bite savored and story told unveiled another layer of Sheri, David and Sarah I never knew. Aaaaah...dinner at McC's, one of life's great pleasures. It makes me happy to my very core.

Today was one of those days that was so impactful, it required a Posting Part 2.

When I walked into the cafe in the Harn Art Museum on the campus of University of Florida, I had no idea what a delightful time I was in for. I was meeting Valerie and Kelly for the first time to discuss an art book Valerie wished to publish. Unfortunately my crazy schedule the last couple of days, left me little time to check out her website before our meeting. Shortly after sitting down, Valerie handed me a print out of her book. It was filled with colorful, happy childlike paintings of cows, the central characters of the book. As I thumbed through the pages I soon realized this was much more than an art or a children's book. It was a tribute to her only son, killed less than two years ago in a car accident. Her son was an organ donor. Valerie's book relates the hope and promise that springs from such tragedy. Her eyes welled up with tears as she spoke about her son. Two years is not nearly enough time to heal a mother's pain. But Valerie presses on with a passion to get her message out. I made her a promise...somehow, some way we will make her dream come true. I don't break promises.

Many hugs,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dinner at McC's Japanese Garden Cafe - Day 349

Tonight was an evening I had been looking forward to for a couple of weeks. I had reservations at McC's Japanese Garden Cafe...aka the home of Sheri, David, Sarah and Noah. A couple of weeks ago the family voted on tonight's menu theme. David took us on a culinary tour of Japan that was as tasty as it was beautiful. My description won't do the meal justice, so I will let the pictures do the talking. Needless to say, it is a meal I will never forget.

Many hugs,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back To What I Know - Day 348

My journey into low sugar treats uncovered great information and a less than perfect cookie. The breakfast cookie I baked last night had great flavor, but a spongy, funky texture. I think shredded carrots, apples or zucchini and more nuts may do the trick.

Tonight I went back to what I know...yummy cookies filled with butter, dark brown sugar, chocolate, blueberries and nuts. On the cooling rack they reminded me of the yin and yang symbol. A perfect balance of a Dark Chocolate Marcona Almond Cookie countered against a White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookie.

Size has been a source of angst for me as I plan for my business debut. Tonight I used the extra large scoop and decided this will be the size I sell at the market. It seems to give me the most consistent shape and will justify the price. Now all I have to do is establish a price. This is painful.

Many hugs,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Search for Diabetic Friendly Cookie Recipe -Day 347

Today I set out on a quest for a cookie recipe that can be enjoyed by diabetics. I strongly dislike artificial sweeteners and began my search by looking for natural alternatives. I searched for cookies made with agave nectar and soon discovered this can be a little tricky. Agave is 1.4 times sweeter than sugar. It adds additional liquid to the recipe. It browns quicker than a recipe with sugar. And it makes the dough consistency a bit stickier. I found an article that takes a traditional chocolate chip cookie recipe and offers an agave conversion. Tomorrow I am going to try it out.

I continued the recipe search in the recipe section of the American Diabetes Association web site. Surely they would have some good diabetic cookie alternatives. To my delight, they did. However, to my surprise none of the recipes included artificial sweeteners. They all included sugar, a somewhat smaller amount of sugar, but sugar nonetheless. I decided to revive a breakfast cookie recipe I baked last year and compare it to the diabetic friendly recipes. It included an even smaller amount of sugar, very little fat, whole grains, carrot puree, raisins and toasted walnuts. This was the baking choice of the night.

The result was tasty, but missed the fat. I think tomorrow night I am going to try adding grated carrots for additional moisture. It it works, I will publish the recipe.

Many hugs,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sentimental Journey - Day 346

Maudlin. A word that best describes how I felt perched on my stool in the Costco wine section. Traffic was slow, leaving me far too much time to think and write. I thought about the weeks before me. Weeks filled with final preparation for my business debut. I thought about how much I will actually miss the friendships I have made at Costco. The customer regulars like George, Anthony, Bill and Steve. The CDS demonstrators, Minerva, Vera, Nancy, Shirley, July and so many more. The Costco employees, Daniel, Orlando, Justin, Steve, Pete, Gladys, Harold, Leonard, Lauren, Axel and Marsh. Even Phil, the phone kiosk manager. They all became part of my weekends over the last year. I baked them cookies to rave reviews. They delivered demo samples to my station. They gave me hugs. I hugged them back. As I shared my business dreams, they were my biggest cheerleaders.

I won't miss the feeling of boredom or the loss of time spent with Mike. But I will miss all the them. I will miss this time of self reflection...the one time during the week that I actually am not in perpetual motion.

Dinner tonight was back in my court. I called Mike when I got off work and took him on a virtual tour of Costco trying to come up with a plan for dinner. We finally decided on one of our favorite ways to eat. Noshing on a little of this and a little of that. I picked up an eclectic mix of smoked salmon, lime cilantro marinated shrimp, asiago cheese, salami, nectarines, multi-grain crackers and mushroom salad. Combined with the boursin cheese, goat cheese and fresh cherries hiding out in the fridge at home, we had quite a feast.

My journey into sentimentality brought me back to the place I love the most. Home with Mike, Maddie and a cornucopia of good food.

Many hugs,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Whatever You Love, You Are - Day 345

For the last several days I have been reading a book loaned to me by my friend Sharon - "A Homemade Life" by Molly Wizenberg. Reading doesn't accurately describe what I have been doing with that book...savoring is more like it. The book is a quick read that I could easily consume in just one night, but I don't want to. I don't want the experience to end. This book reads like an insanely rich cookie filled with lots of nuts, chocolate and dried fruit. A cookie enjoyed in tiny nibbles with a treat in every bite.

I fell in love with Molly's writing style last year when I stumbled upon her column in one of my favorite magazines, Bon Appetit. The topic was kale...not the most riveting subject. I like kale well enough, especially in Zuppa Toscana from Olive Garden. But Molly made me fall in love with kale. She made me want to run out and buy a bunch, saute it in hot oil with chopped garlic and eat a big bowl all by sharing.

It was a powerful writing style that painted a picture, made you smell the aroma of the garlic as it hit the oil, appreciate the bright green color of the kale as it joined the garlic in the pan and hear the sizzle of the greens as they became slightly crisp. The book is filled with personal stories and food descriptions that have the same impact. Each chapter ends with a recipe. A recipe that moves you to check out your pantry for the ingredients or run to the store to make it...NOW! Yes, Molly's writing is just that powerful.

One of the chapters I consumed this morning had a title that stuck in my mind as I sat on my stool in Costco writing my blog. It was the song title from an album shared with a long lost love...Whatever You Love, You Are.

Whatever You Love, You Are. I love the sound of this. I love the truth in this.

My challenge, or should I say blessing, is that I love a lot of things...from tasty foods to interesting people. I take in a healthy portion of it all. It is why my life is so full and my body so round.

Whatever You Love, You Are. I love the powerful writing of Molly Wizenberg. Maybe someday I will be a powerful writer too.

Little did I know how prophetic that statement would be when I got off work tonight. I called Mike to find out what he would like me to pick up for dinner. He simply said "I sent you an e-mail. Check it and call me back." Hmmmm, I was intrigued. The e-mail simply said "I decided to prepare dinner tonight. So you don't need to pick anything up." This was music to my ears. Mike doesn't like to spend time in the kitchen, so when he does it is a cherished event. His last adventure into the kitchen yielded the best Hamburger Helper I have ever had and a homemade cake to boot. I called him back and then I rushed home filled with anticipation like Christmas eve.

My Mike prepared dinner was filled with thought. He assembled the meal from take out. It was the perfect balance of healthy, tastiness. From the cedar plank salmon from Seasons 52 and the veggie plate from Cracker Barrel to the steamed mussels and salad fixings from Publix. He even made homemade coasters of my new Heartsong Cookies logo by printing it out and placing it in a cut out page protector. This is exactly why I love this man so much. He may be a man of few words, but his actions say it all. He pays attention. He gets it. He has "IT" and I love him very much.

Whatever You Love, You Are. I love this amazing man. Because I do, my life is a wonderful life.

Whatever You Love, You Are. I love the truth in this.

Many hugs,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tub of Goo - Day 344

Tonight Mike and I met for a Happy Hour appetizer dinner at Cheesecake Factory in Winter Park. It had been a while since we had paid them a visit and the menu had a few changes...changes for the better. In addition to a large selection of $5 appetizer selections, drink specials were added to the menu. Mike ordered a $4 Blue Moon on draft. I opted for a $5 Cosmopolitan. For dinner Mike chose burger sliders and nachos. I ordered the fire grilled artichokes. When the food arrived our little bar table was overflowing with goodness. The portion size was tremendous and we ate and ate and ate until we could not take another bite. The bill was a nice surprise for such a wonderful evening of gluttony...$25 for dinner and drinks.

The only problem with gluttony is the feeling you have afterward. Instead of feeling satisfied and happy, I feel like a tub of goo...a great big tub of goo. For me overindulgence is not a rare is becoming the norm. Overeating and no exercise do not make for a happy Kathy. I have to stop posting, working and talking. My ample bottom needs to get off the couch and waddle around Crane's Roost, Lake Florida or the mall. Tomorrow morning I am starting on a mission. Mission Happy Heart. Since my year of posting is about to come to an end, I am going to somehow channel that same compulsion and commitment into fitness. Wish me luck!

Late this afternoon, pre-tub of goo, I took another step toward opening my business. I ordered the training materials for my food certification...the next step in the plan. Mike and I discussed the business opening date, settling on early September and cookie pricing, settling on anything over my usual, free. We still have lots of details to work out, but we are making progress. And progress is a very good thing!

Many hugs,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Big Things - Day 343

Yesterday was all about the little things. Today was all about things big. No, I am not talking about my butt, thighs or belly again. I am talking about the big generosity of the group that gathered together tonight to "Drink for Pink." My friends Carolynn and Diane are participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure event in the fall...3 days, 60 miles of walking to end breast cancer. What a huge commitment they have made to be a part of the biggest breast cancer event in history. Tonight they got together their friends and co-workers for a fund raising cocktail party at Urban Flats. The turnout was impressive. Each attendee contributed $25 to attend and enjoy wine, flatbread pizzas and Seasons 52 mini indulgences. Lots of raffle tickets were sold and cool prizes were given out. It was a really nice evening for a really great cause. I don't know the fund raising tally, but I am sure it will have a BIG impact.

To find out more about this great event, go to

Many hugs,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Little Things - Day 342

Today was a crazy, frustrating work day. On the surface there was not much good, fun or happy to write about. So once again when I sat down to do my posting I was stumped. And then I suddenly remembered the gecko that hitched a ride on my rear window on the way to work today and I started to giggle. It was the darnedest thing! I looked up and there he was hanging on for dear life as I drove down the road. He reminded me of how I sometimes feel on this wild ride of life...out of place and scared out of my mind. This little guy had a determination that just wouldn't quit. Somehow I found him inspirational. It's the little things...

Lunch time brought a little smile to my face as well. I was in the vicinity of D & G Occasions, a baker's nirvana, and decided to stop in to see if they had a music note cookie cutter. To my delight, they did. Not only a medium size note, but a mini one as well. I paired them with the appropriately sized heart cookie cutters and happily walked out the door with my new found treasures...after paying, of course. I can't wait to bake a batch of heart singing sugar cookies for Morgan to thank her for a job well done on my logo. It's the little things...

Lack of exercise has been weighing heavily on my mind...and my butt...and my thighs. Tonight I did something about it. I took a little walk around Crane's Roost. Only once, but it was a start. A baby step toward fitness. It's the little things...

Many hugs,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unfocused - Day 341

Tonight as I sat down to write my blog I realized my thoughts were all over the place. I was unfocused and uninspired. Today had been a good day. I received an e-mail from an old friend I hadn't talked to in at least a year. The business card designs Morgan created were shared with several of my friends to rave reviews. This evening Apple Cinnamon Crunch Cookies made there way to the oven. I played around a little with the recipe substituting Marcona almonds for the usual toasted pecans and chunkier Granola from Costco for a finer blend. The results were good, not over the top great. But for a change, I was OK with that. With experimentation comes insight and improvement. I am getting close with this combination...just not quite there.

Last night I began reading "A Homemade Life, stories and recipes from my kitchen table" by Molly Wizenberg. Molly is the author of the award winning food blog Orangette and a frequent contributor to Bon Appetit magazine. I love her writing style. It is personal and warm. She has a way of describing food and food experiences that make you want to run in the kitchen to make something right that instant. Then share it around the kitchen table with your family and friends.

I want so much to write with the ease of Molly's style. At times, writing comes easy. More often, like tonight, it does not. I think it is time to head upstairs and read a few more chapters. Maybe Molly's style will miraculously creep into my psyche.

Many hugs,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ole! Dinner at Home! - Day 340

Dinners cooked at home are few and far between for this cash starved foodie. But tonight I was feeling a little spicy...a little cheesy...a little saucy. So I picked up some Mexican fixins on my way home and pulled together an over-indulgent Mexican feast for me and Mike. While dinner baked in the oven, I served blue corn chips, fresh salsa and frozen margaritas as a starter. Our entree plates overflowed with piping hot, cheesy pork enchiladas made from the leftover smoked pork from last night, Mexican rice and a ramekin of black beans. It was a yummy way to make good use of leftovers. After two margaritas I am feeling a little lazy and not the least bit creative. So here's a toast to dinners at home with my husband. Ole! And good night now.

Many hugs,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Purveyor of Delicious Treats - Day 339

Late last night Mike finally got Morgan's business card layouts to open. OMG...I love them! She gave me two options and I love them both. The designs are simple, playful and warm...just the image I want to project. One of my favorite aspects of the card is the moniker Morgan game me - "Purveyor of Delicious Treats." I am determined to live up to my new found title.

The cookies I baked last night were divvied up between Mike, Ryan, Ryan's Jacksonville Jaguars co-workers, Chris Long and a few of my Costco friends. I got a lot of mileage out of those two batches of cookies. It felt so good to be the cookie fairy once again.

Anthony, one of my regular customers stopped by. On a previous visit he asked me for a recipe card for White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookies. Today I gave him the card and a cookie to boot. The smile on his face made my day! He even shuffled back by my station on his way out to tell me how much it meant to him. Happy dance.

Ryan stayed long enough to share dinner with me, Mike, my mom and brother before heading back to Jacksonville. Easy was the plan so I picked up pulled pork, Italian bread, Caesar salad and a Boston cream pie at Costco. I cut corn off the cob and made my version of fresh creamed corn, grilled slices of Italian bread, nuked the pulled pork and pulled off a pretty tasty feast in about half an hour. Everyone seemed happy with the results...especially Maddie. She is now a BIG fan of Costco pulled pork. I had never purchased the Kirkland brand of smoked pulled pork, but I definitely will again. For $9.99 we had enough for (5) pork sandwiches tonight and plenty for at least two more meals for two...or three if Maddie has anything to do with it. Don't be deceived by the package size. It packs plenty.

Many hugs,

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm Back! - Day 338

After a fantabulous weekend off, I am back to my weekend gig at Costco. My day was filled with people watching, an occasional wine sale and a lot of sweating. The air was out at Costco on a day when the temperature topped 100 F. Oh my, it was HOT!

Morgan sent me business card layout choices shortly before I walked into work, but unfortunately I could not open the zip file on my phone. When I got home, I could not open the file on my laptop. Aaagh! The anticipation is killing me!

Tonight I baked cookies for the first time since I was overtaken by the baking demon earlier in the week. And I would like to report...I'm baaaaaaaack. The demon has been exorcised and I am feeling pretty good about the results. I baked Toasted Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies for Ryan and White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookies for Chris. Baking cookies for your loved ones is so soul satisfying. I love having Ryan and Chris around the house. Watching Ryan revert to a little kid again when he dipped his spoon into the uncooked dough made my heart dance. This is why I bake! The funny thing is Chris had the exact same look when he dipped into his dough. Once a kid, always a kid.

Many hugs,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Filled With The Christmas Spirit - Day 337

Today I had lunch with a friend I haven't seen in quite a while. We dined at a little Japanese restaurant tucked away in an almost deserted shopping plaza off I Drive - Aki Sushi. The prices were reasonable and the food was good. But the best part was the conversation with Sheila. She shared plans for a new home purchase in North Carolina. I shared details of my new business venture. One thing she said struck a chord with me. She wished that you could capture the goodwill and spirit of the holidays and feel it all year long. Why do people seem to only exhibit the love from November to December? I agreed, then I thought for a moment. For me this last year, especially the last few months, have been filled with the Christmas spirit. The wish that Sheila expressed actually came true for me. My friends and family have amazed me with their generosity, encouragement and love. Suddenly I am in the mood for Peppermint Bark HeartSong Cookies and a mug of steaming hot chocolate.

Tonight was the perfect ending to a pretty amazing week. Ryan and his friend Chris Long are spending the weekend with us to visit Universal and steep themselves in everything Harry Potter. They both embrace their quirky geekness and I think that is a very good thing. We all piled in the car for dinner at Carrabba's and dessert at Jeremiah's. I love spending time with them and getting caught up on their lives. Long is doing some pretty awesome things. Currently he is involved with the Florida Sea Turtle Project several days a week. His enthusiasm for his accomplishments is infectious. In the fall, Long begins grad school at UCF. I am hopeful he will pay us many more visits while he is here. He makes me smile.

Many hugs,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Have A Plan! - Day 336

Starting a new business is not only scary, it's extremely confusing. Just when I think I have all the answers, another question pops up. I know what I have to do, but in what order? Egads! This is stressing me out.

So I placed a call to the Florida Department of Agriculture and waited on eternal hold. Finally, a friendly voice came on the line. She was very helpful as I hit her with my barrage of questions. At the end of the call, I felt much better. Now I have a plan.

Next stop, the IRS website to apply for an FEID number. Check. I've got it! Then more calls to food certification services, more eternal hold and finally a cost and date for my Food Manager Certification class...July 19. My plan is falling into place.

Tonight Mike surprised me by coming home a day early. We met at Sweet Tomatoes with our good friend BOGO. The current theme at Sweet Tomatoes is Summer Fruit and the new choices were quite tasty. Mike and I ate like ravenous pigs and hurried home. We could not take a chance at missing "THE DECISION." OMG! I love sports talk radio, but the last couple of weeks have been torturous. If I hear the word "Lebron" one more time...well, I don't know what I will do.

Needless to say I am sick of it all...the egos, the media hype, the money, the power and the manipulation. No on person, no matter how talented, serves this much attention. I think the "King" needs to be deposed!

Many hugs,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Am A Corporation - Day 335

So this is what it feels like to be a corporation...scared out of my mind! This morning I couldn't catch my breath. And then the facebook comments came flowing in. One after another, offering words of encouragement. Next came Joe, my boss, who stopped by my office to see how I was doing. He shared several stories of how he felt when he started Fidelity Press. As he left my office, he looked me straight in the eye and told me I would be successful...he had no doubt about it. Wow! His reaction was unexpected, but much appreciated. Suddenly I felt invincible. I will be successful...if all my friends and loved ones have anything to do with it.

Many hugs,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Meal - Day 334

Tonight I had a happy meal for dinner. No, it did not include a toy, French fries or a hamburger on a bun. In fact, it did not come from Mickey D's at all. It was a meal enjoyed at Longhorn Steakhouse with my good friend Dennis. Meals shared with Dennis are the ultimate happy meals because that is exactly how I feel at their conclusion. Dennis always has wonderful stories to share about members of his rather large family. I love listening to every detail. I kind of feel like Michael J. Fox in one of my favorite movies "Doc Hollywood" as he reads the stories of the Pakistani. Unfortunately tonight I think my stories dominated the conversation. But Dennis still managed a few choice nuggets. Like the one where his sister ordered a mail order monkey...don't ask! As usual, he made me smile.

The food was pretty darn good as well. Dennis ordered his usual "Renegade" sirloin steak. I chose the chopped steak smothered in mushroom sauce and fried onion straws. Very fattening and very tasty! As I drove off after dropping Dennis at his home, all I could think of was what a happy mood I was in...all thanks to a happy meal with Dennis. I didn't miss "The Last Airbender" toy one bit!

My happy mood turned ecstatic when I arrived home to Maddie and the mail. Sandwiched between the bills was an envelope from the State of Florida addressed to me. OMG...HeartSong Cookies, LLC is official and I have the certificate to prove it!

Many hugs and happy meals,

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pooped - Day 333

Today Mike and I did what we do best...we worked together as a team on an overwhelming project of gutting the downstairs bedroom. We moved all the furniture. Mike shampooed the carpeting. I ran errands and purged more stuff. Together we decided what furniture to move back in and what to place elsewhere. I put fresh bed linens on the bed including a new comforter. The end result was exactly what we wanted...uncluttered, fresh, relaxing and clean.

Now I am pooped. Sweet dreams.

Many hugs,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Five Star Dining - Day 332

During the last week I have enjoyed several five star dining experiences. The cool thing is, they weren't at any stuffy, pretentious restaurant. They were all enjoyed at the homes of friends. Each had a uniqueness all its own. All were tasty and completely different. At the end of each meal I was full, happy and completely soul satisfied.

Tonight's dining adventure was enjoyed at the home of our friends Tom, Susan and Christopher. All three outdid themselves. The table was beautiful all by itself, but add the copious food and it was downright amazing. We feasted on baby back ribs, mac and cheese, roasted red skin potatoes, squash casserole, cornbread, corn on the cob, kidney bean salad and Waldorf salad. I am still full and it has been at least 5 hours since we ate.

After dinner we jumped in their boat for a relaxing cruise around Lake Brantley at dusk. We sipped on wine and gazed at how the other half lives. Somehow I cannot imagine they live even half as wonderful a life as we do. We ooooed and ahhhhed over fireworks, got a little soggy from the light rain and headed back to their home for dessert. I was responsible for dessert and unfortunately it did not quite live up to the quality of the meal. My Big Heart Cookie got a little overcooked, but at least it looked cute. I topped it with vanilla chocolate chip ice cream, a drizzle of hot caramel sauce and a squirt of whipped cream. Tasty, but too dry. I still haven't exorcised the baking demons that have haunted me for over a week. I guess its kind of like a bad case of the shanks in golf. I will just have to keep working through it.

In the meantime, I just want to say thanks to Mike, Tom, Susan, Chris, Kenda, Mark, Vicky, David, Sheri, Sarah and Noah. You all have been the best dining companions this cash staved foodie could ever have.

Many hugs,


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pass The Unagi - Day 331

Today was the first full day of my free weekend. I spent it doing all the things I never have time to do when I work at Costco. Mike and I set out this morning for market research at Winter Park Farmer's Market. Unfortunately we did not realize Park Avenue was shut down for a Fourth of July parade. There was NO place to park. We decided to go to plan B and head for 4Rivers Barbecue for an early lunch. We picked up smoked turkey and smoked pork sandwiches and headed to Lake Lily for an in our car picnic.

Then it was on to the house to begin the purge project. After two trips to Goodwill with a trunk filled with stuff, the garage stilled seemed as congested as it did before the dump. I think I have accumulated enough stuff for at least twenty more trips.

Late this afternoon I experimented with my new toys...a large heart shaped cookie pan, several heart shaped cookie cutters and a silicone mini heart pan. Cooking times will need to be modified, but overall the experiments were a success. I drizzled the cookies with chocolate and headed out the door for dinner at Mark and Kenda's home.

Kenda had been busy assembling my favorite kind of appetizer smorgasbord. We feasted on homemade hummus surrounded by raw veggies, Manchego cheese and crackers, fresh berries, grapes and Greek yogurt, tortilla chips, cilantro lime marinated shrimp and mini pizzas made from homemade crust and topped to our liking. We washed it all down with yummy sangria and HoneyMoon Beer. Everything was delish.

The evening was absolutely perfect...relaxed and easy. We ended it with a medley of songs from Mark's Superfizzee collection. The grand finale was Kenda's favorite...Pass the Unagi. I was not sure what Unagi was, but I sure like saying it. Unagi. Unagi. Unagi. Pass the Unagi! And then I looked it up on Wikipedia and discovered it meant eel. Mmmmm...Bypass the Unagi.

Many hugs,


Friday, July 2, 2010

Crafting An Image - Day 330

Over the last few days I have been busy crafting an image for my new business venture...with a lot of help from my friends. My friend Mark took the logo developed by Morgan and worked it into a series of amazingly cool t-shirt designs and a color palette for a website, packaging and promo materials. My nephew Kyle took the logo and converted it to an embroidery format for embroidered aprons, caps and shirts. I purchased chocolate brown table cloths, shallow baskets for cookie displays, a cool aqua retro cooler, turquoise curtain panels for a backdrop to my booth and a variety of heart shaped cookie cutters and pans for cookie experimentation. The image that has been camping out in my brain for quite a while is becoming real and I like it. I like it very much!

Now that I have an image, I need to work on the perfect product to back it up. This weekend will be spent purging, organizing, experimenting, registering and researching. But for now, it will be spent doing absolutely nothing and enjoying every minute of my unproductiveness.

Many hugs,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dinner at McC's Garden Cafe - Day 329

I was home the moment I walked in the door. Not my home, but my home away from home...home of my friends, Sheri, David, Noah and Sarah. I affectionately call it McC's Garden Cafe. It is better than any restaurant you will ever visit. Meals are crafted by David from his garden. They are served on the most magical family heirloom table with a huge lazy Susan in the center. No TV is on in the background and conversation flows freely. I have shared three meals at this wonderful establishment and each one is a source of pure bliss.

Last night my dining adventure began at the kitchen table with David and Sheri's daughter Sarah, her Girl Scout camp photos and lots of wonderful stories. While we poured over photos, David served us homemade hummus, crackers and fresh brewed ice tea. Mmmmm! David makes an awesome hummus. Soon after Sheri arrived home and we all convened in the dining room for a lazy Susan feast of salmon croquettes with a creamy sauce, scalloped potatoes, a beautiful salad and fresh from the garden carrots and Brussels sprouts. I cannot even begin to describe how much this evening meant to me. For several brief hours I was transported to a dream of a life where I am a part of a family, tradition and love. My life is amazing, but so far from traditional it is ridiculous. I have always longed for a sense of family. These evenings satisfy my soul.

Many hugs,
