Monday, May 31, 2010

Meeting of the Minds - Day 299

Today was a gift...a day off from work. No Fidelity. No Costco. Only me and Mike and our very neglected home. We divided and conquered the task of making it presentable. Unfortunately on my early morning grocery run, I pulled a calf muscle and spent most of the day hobbling around like an old lady. Well I am an old lady, but I walked like a really old one.

Tonight we had Dennis, Kenda and Mark over for dinner to celebrate Memorial Day and the creation of HeartSong Cookies. Dinner consisted of homemade pineapple salsa, blue corn chips, red sangria, burgers, grilled salmon, pasta salad, corn on the cob and of course...HeartSong Cookies. The dinner was not my best effort, but the company was great. They all humored me as I talked about the multitude of tasks before me. After dinner we all headed upstairs to our little used loft filled with my grandmother's things. This space makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. It is even better filled with many of my favorite people. We critiqued cookie websites, talked about logo ideas, made plans for commercial kitchen tours and vowed to enjoy the process of creating the business.

It was the perfect ending to my gift of a day.

Many hugs and Happy Memorial Day!


Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Sun Is A Little Brighter - Day 298

Happiness has an amazing effect on my view of the world. The sun is a little brighter. The sky a little bluer. Everything tastes better...feels better. Ideas flow like the...ugh, oil from the BP oil rig in the Gulf. Nothing seems to stop the flow.

There is so much to do to get our cookie business started. It could be overwhelming, but somehow I feel calm...another offshoot of happiness.

I am amazed by the outpouring of support from my friends on facebook over the last couple of days. They seem to think I will pull this off. I think I will!

Right now I need to research website designs and bulk ingredient pricing. My postings may get increasingly brief, but I promise to document the process. The process of realizing a dream.

Many hugs,


Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Beautiful Wedding - Day 297

Mike and I traveled to Jacksonville this weekend to spend a couple of nights with Ryan and attend the wedding of Dennis and Alice. Tonight we got dressed up and headed out the door to the Epping Forest Yacht Club for a beautiful evening. The venue was on the St. Johns River in a elegant Spanish style setting. The storm clouds stayed away for the ceremony. Dennis looked nervous. Alice looked gorgeous. The vows were mercifully brief and we all moved on to the open bar and passed hors d'oeuvres. Then inside to dinner. The color scheme of gray and pink lent a soft elegance to the room. The food was delicious. The people watching an eye full. And all in all it was a really nice way to cap off my day away from Costco.

Many hugs,


Friday, May 28, 2010

Dream Come True - Day 296

For over a year I have been talking and dreaming and talking some more about starting my cookie business. Today Mike told me my dream is coming true...thanks to the generosity of someone that believes in me. Someone that believes I will be successful.

I wish I could find the words to describe just how I feel right now. Speechless.

Pinch me. Can this be real? Most definitely! So this is where the hope went. It was waiting just around the corner. It was waiting for the perfect time. The time when I reached the end of the ride. When I finally said enough is enough.

Welcome to HeartSong dream come true.

Many hugs,


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stop The Roller Coaster...I Want To Get Off! - Day 295

After reviewing my postings the last few weeks I realized what a roller coaster ride my life has been recently. One moment I'm writing about a loss of hope, the next minute, the Power of Good. Up...Down...Up ...Down...Down...Down. I HATE roller coasters...especially the drops. The good times have been really good. I feel them and relish them with all my being. But the bad are really bad and I feel them to my very core.

I crave consistency. I need level ground. A long, straight boring the road to Tallahassee. Instead I have the Skyline Drive with no guard rails and no brakes.

Tonight I was back to my routine of dining alone. I cooked some whole wheat pasta and topped with leftover cream sauce. The zucchini my dad gave me last week evolved into spicy zucchini and tomatoes, served with a glass of wine and a nice fresh salad. Tonight's dinner guest was a re-run of Housewives of New York City. What a train wreck of a show. It is so bad! The cast embodies all that I dislike in the world...pretentious, obnoxious, petty people. But somehow if I stop for a moment on my channel surf, I just can't turn away. I long for a repeat of last night. A cooked to perfection, beautiful dinner at a dining table with good friends and no TV. My only solace is the smell of homemade cookies and the thought that Mike will be home soon.

Many hugs,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The More We Do, The More We Can Do - Day 294

I've been kidded about having the energy of the Energizer bunny. Questioned on how and why I do what I do. I do it because I can. I do it because each check off my list brings me closer to success. Closer to what I am meant to do in this world. I want so badly to make a difference. To ease the pain. To create some comfort, peace and happiness. To show the world that each of us is full of possibilities, potential, energy and life. The more we do, the more we can do...together.

I do not have the answer as to how I am going to make a difference. But with the amount if time my brain has devoted to obsessing over it, I feel an epiphany is eminent. I hope to submit an idea to the Pepsi Refresh Project or a more traditional venue. Unfortunately money is power and right now I am as weak as a church mouse. These programs offer funding for great ideas to better humanity. Great ideas like the one trying to explode from my brain.

I am compelled to try to fit as much as I can into each day. Rarely saying no to invitations or requests. I am in a hurry. A hurry to experience life. My time is running out. It is running out on all of us. We have to act. We have to do whatever it is to better the world. The more we do, the more we can do.

Tonight was a magical night spent with my friends David, Sheri and their kids. David is a Master Gardener in training and an amazing chef. His attention to detail and eye for beauty make dining a soul satisfying experience. A pre-meal tour of his edible garden let me know I was in for a treat. The meal began with a fresh from the garden eggplant hummus served on homemade crostini. Oh my! Sheri, Sarah and I fought over this bowl of goodness.

Dinner was served at the dining table the way all meals should be served. The table was handmade by Sheri's family and included a large lazy Susan in the center. Family rules required a turn of lazy Susan only after your table mates finished serving themselves. The bounty before me was impressive. A garden fresh salad worthy of a photo, delicious wax beans picked earlier in the day, perfectly seasoned roasted potatoes and just picked carrots, heavenly sour cream and chive biscuits and a delicate glazed salmon. I was in heaven and it wasn't over yet.

My White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookies paled in comparison to the homemade cherry ice cream David prepared. He sets such high standards, I will have a difficult time measuring up.

The reason for us getting together was more than simply sharing a meal and good company. It was to share our dreams. David has lost sight of just how amazingly talented he is. I have to find a way to show him the help him retrieve his confidence. Creating a blog tonight was just the beginning. An outlet for him to share gardening secrets, recipes and photos of all the beauty he creates.

Tonight we took baby steps toward self discovery. Thank goodness, David's blog creation will take at least one more session. One more incredibly tasty session...or maybe two. I think I will have to stretch this out for as long as I can because this feeling is just that good. Tonight was the embodiment of the Power of Good.

The more we do, the more we can do...together!

Many hugs,


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two for One - Day 293

*#@?!~!%@?!!**! Therapy

I hate to admit it, but there are certain times that require a little #@!**~#@?! therapy. A drive alone in the car, yelling words that never, ever come out of your mouth in public...can be quite liberating. Today was one of those days. A day to purge pent up anger at a co-worker and months of financial frustration. @#?!!**~@!!!! Life is good...again.

What Is A Friend?

These days the word "friend" is thrown around like it means nothing. Facebook has taken care of that. Today I got a huge reality check when it came to friendship and I am very glad I did. Sometimes it takes pain and disappointment to make you realize what true friends are.

True friends are the people that see all your warts and love you anyway. They believe in you. They empathize with your pain and want to make it go away. They dream with you. And make you laugh. They share their thoughts and feelings. And listen intently to yours. They offer advice you may not follow. And are OK with that. They share the elation of your triumphs and the despair of your defeats. A true friend...forever friend, never thinks just of themselves. They think of the two of you...the give and take of a relationship. They don't keep score. They will always be there on the other end of a phone call, knock on the door or click of the mouse.

I am blessed to have several true, forever friends in my life. After today, I have never appreciated you more. One of them sent me this link to make me smile. It worked. Check it out.

Many hugs,


Monday, May 24, 2010

Dinner for Two...At Home! - Day 292

Mike was off today. I was not. I grudgingly got ready for work while he stayed in bed. The drive to work was filled with thoughts of a plan to get back home. Back home to Mike. I locked myself in my office with a lengthy to do list and vowed that if I crossed off most of the items, my reward would be time with Mike. What motivation! The list was checked off in no time. I even worked through that is true love.

When I walked in the door, Mike was up to his ears in housecleaning. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. What a crazy, discombobulated life we live!

Mike needed something special for dinner tonight. Something special that could be made with Canadian bacon or pineapple. I gave Mike the choice of Creamy Parmesan Pasta with Canadian bacon and peas or Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Pineapple Salsa. Pasta was the winner. I improvised a sauce with very tasty, fattening ingredients and served it over pappardelle noodles with a side salad. It was yummy. Mike was happy. I was happy. Life was good.

Gotta go...time with Mike includes Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. I just heard this week is "Geek Week"! I have to do something to celebrate my geekiness.

Many hugs and Happy Geek Week,


Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Cathartic Sidebar...Where Did The Hope Go? - Day 291

June was to be a banner month for my quest to be less cash starved. Or so I thought. One of my hardship programs would be complete and my payments would drop considerably. It was a baby step toward a life without stress. A life with possibilities and options.

And then I opened the mail. It contained a notification my second mortgage payment would increase considerably in August. I felt my heart hit the floor. My step up the mountain resulted in a slide down a hole...a deep, dark hole. The light that once appeared to brighten was now a pin hole. The business dreams that seemed within reach just days ago, now seemed a distant blog posting...just words in cyberspace.

So this is what despair feels like. No hope. No dreams. No options. No possibilities. I hate it down here. I have to find a ladder, a rope, a step stool, a solution. I have to. I will.

After all, doesn't hope spring eternal?

Many more hugs,


Fun with Pineapple and Canadian Bacon - Day 291

Last night I made Mike one of his favorites - Hawaiian Pizza. I picked up a large Take and Bake Cheese Pizza from Costco, a large package of Canadian bacon, and a large container of fresh pineapple spears. At Costco, everything is LARGE! Including my bill for the three items...$25.00. With a third of my weekly food budget invested, I need to figure out a way to use all the leftovers.

I knew Mike would take care of the leftover pizza for lunch, but it was up to be to get creative with the Canadian bacon and pineapple. A cookie perhaps? Somehow I think not.

For breakfast I made Mike a bagel sandwich with egg, cheese and Canadian bacon. Dinner was an easy version of Chicken Cordon Blue inspired by the teriyaki chicken my mom was demonstrating at Costco. I simply topped the frozen precooked teriyaki glazed chicken breasts with Canadian bacon and Swiss cheese and baked in a 350 F. oven for 20 minutes. Served it with 90 second rice and a tasty salad and we were eating in no time. Dessert was a Tropical Sundae made with caramelized fresh pineapple topped with a scoop of Butter Almond ice cream, a drizzle of chocolate sauce, squirt of whipped cream and a sprinkling of toasted pecans and toasted coconut. Very tasty.

After all this, I still had half a package of Canadian bacon and pineapple leftover. Oh my! I gazed into the fridge and freezer. Maybe pasta tossed with Parmesan cream sauce, Canadian bacon and peas? Pork Tenderloin with pineapple salsa? Tropical Muffins with bananas, pineapple and toasted coconut? All with items I already have. This is fun! Maybe another blog site idea...How To Eat Creatively For A Week On Three Costco Items.

Many hugs,


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Making Life Decisions - Day 290

Yesterday I received an early morning call from my son. He had been thinking all night about his life and choices before him. In the wee hours of the morning he made a major life decision and wanted my thoughts. Problem was, I was so surprised by the call, I didn't know what to say. Somehow I fumbled through with questions and opinions. But mostly, I listened. I listened to how he arrived at this point. It made me very proud. One thing he said stood out to me. He said I had always taught him to go out and grab life...not to let it pass him by. How could I argue with that sage advice?!

Maybe it was time to follow my own teachings. To go out and grab what I want in life. I've set a goal of having a business license by summer's end. The fall would be the perfect time to set up shop at one of the local farmer's markets. I can do this. I will do this! I think I just made a major life decision of my own. Thanks Ryan...for setting a great example. Thanks for listening. Thanks for making me proud.

Many hugs,


Friday, May 21, 2010

Payback - Day 289

Cookie fairy drops yield amazing rewards!

This morning when I walked into my office I was greeted by a little gift sitting in the middle of my desk. The Philadelphia Cream Cheese container covered in plastic contained a quite a treat. The post it note attached said "To: You, From: Shawn." Inside was one of my most favorite foods...fresh picked blackberries. Blackberries hand picked by Kat's fiance Shawn. I ran into Kat's office to say thanks and found out Shawn had made a special point of picking these berries just for me as payback for all the cookies I send his way. Thanks Shawn! You made me a very happy girl. This special package road around with me all afternoon and continued to fill me with happiness until the last of the precious berries disappeared into my mouth. This is the Power of Good.

Tonight Mike and I ventured out for dinner to a new restaurant in Winter Park - Green Lemon Cafe. It is a tiny, casual cafe that specializes in homemade crepes. Urbanspoon reviews raved about the food. My friend Kenda raved about the food. The Orlando Sentinel raved about the food. We had to find out what all the buzz was about. The menu is simple with a variety of savory, sweet and dessert crepes in original or whole wheat. Mike ordered the Turkey, Brie and Apple tucked inside a whole wheat crepe. I ordered the Monte Crisco with ham, turkey, cheese and strawberry preserves also tucked inside a whole wheat crepe. Both were very tasty and surprisingly filling. The price was appealing as well...$20 for dinner for two including drinks. We were too full to try one of the dessert crepes, but the Southern Comfort Crepe sounded pretty darn good - filled with peanut butter, bananas and chocolate sauce. Yummmmmm, maybe next time.

Many hugs,


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Easing Into the Day - Day 288

Sometimes it seems like I have lived my whole life with a stopwatch around my neck. Start the time. Go! Stop! Do it all over again. Seven days a week. Eighteen to nineteen hours a day.

Today would be different. It had to be.

As I rushed around getting ready for work, an "ah ha" moment came over me. Look at how beautiful the house is in the morning light. I rarely see it. Always running from place to place. Job to job.

This morning I saw all its grungy, dilapidated, BEAUTIFUL splendor. This was a moment that had to be captured. A moment to savor. I ran upstairs to retrieve my trusty IPhone from the charger and snapped away. I wanted to be enveloped in the morning light like a hug that just won't end. I had to do it.

To the fridge I went and grabbed the Greek yogurt fixins in my arms like Rachel Ray. Fage yogurt, fresh raspberries, blackberries and Grape Nuts. I grabbed the pitcher of iced coffee made last night and white chocolate mocha creamer. From the cupboard I retrieved my favorite yellow bowl and spooned into it several dollops of the thick, rich yogurt. Blackberries and raspberries were next. Followed by a drizzle of North Carolina honey and a light sprinkling of Grape Nuts for crunch. Back to the cupboard I went for a glass to fill with ice, good strong coffee and white mocha creamer. How beautiful is this?! I picked up my IPhone, snapped a picture and e-mailed it to Kat with a brief message. I would be a little late this morning...taking a few selfish moments for ME!

Many hugs,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Little Lonely - Day 287

Today was a busy work day filled with driving, meetings and cookie drop offs. I even did a cookie drop to my husband Mike. Then I headed home.

The drive home from Gainesville left me far too much time to think. I reflected on my crazy, disjointed lifestyle and began missing Mike with each mile I traveled. I dreamed of the day Mike and I could live together seven days a week under one roof. I dreamed of menu planning for the week and cooking fabulous meals for the two of us. I dreamed of entertaining friends on weekends...weekends that did not involve work at Costco.

Snap! Back to reality I came. Once again I would be eating dinner for one. Dinner fixins in the fridge were sparse. I had lettuce and ripe tomatoes from our burger dinner earlier in the week. Hmmmmm. I decided to do a "Half In, Half Out" dinner tonight. The "Half In" part was a salad from the fridge fixins. The "Half Out" part was a Chicken TropiChop from Pollo Tropical. I poured a glass of ice coffee, prepped my tray and plopped myself down on the couch in front of the TV. Sandra Rinomato from Property Virgins was my dining companion. I like her, but she is no Mike. I miss you Mike. Friday evening cannot come soon enough.

Many hugs,


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stress Knot...Stress Not - Day 286

Whew! What a roller coaster ride day. I awoke with a knot in my stomach that no Greek yogurt breakfast could quell. Once again money challenges got the best of me. I was depressed...very depressed. I felt frozen. When I got to work I headed to Rich's office to go over a quote. He asked how it was going? I broke out in tears. Why is it when you are feeling vulnerable, the most simple question sends a tidal wave of emotion that escapes out the eyes?! Rich closed his office door and did his best to make me feel better. He listened to my troubles, reminded me how fortunate I am and actually made me feel better.

When I left Rich's office more magic happened. My cell phone had a voice mail message from The Commissary - a commercial kitchen available for rent. I had sent an e-mail requesting info last night and Mark, the owner, responded with pricing and an offer for helpful info to get my cookie business started. I was pleasantly surprised by the rental price. It was actually within reach...if I got on my tippy toes and grew a few inches. I called Mark and discussed license fees and got a clearer picture of just how much I would need to make my dream a reality. Suddenly things didn't didn't seem so hopeless. Happy Dance!

Lunch with my friend Sheri was next on the agenda. We both love Italian and were in the mood for something different. I checked out Urbanspoon on my phone and came up with the solution...Terramia Winebar Trattoria. It was a great choice. The food was delicious and the company even better. It had been far too long since we had gotten together to talk and boy did we talk and talk and talk. It was just what I needed. Thanks Sheri!

Tonight after work, my co-worker and friend Kat met me at PF Chang's for a free wine pour and appetizers. PF Chang's was introducing a new wine, Vineyard 518, at 5:18 p.m. on 5/18 and the best part was it was free. Free is a very good thing. We ordered two appetizers from the happy hour menu at $4 each and an Asian Pear Mojito for "dessert". With my 10% Warrior card discount the bill came to $19 for a light meal for two. Kat and I rarely get the chance to actually sit down and talk about anything but work. Tonight was a rare gift. Thanks Kat!

What began with a stress knot in my stomach, ended with happiness in my heart. Stress knot...stress not!

Many hugs,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Amazingly...Dinner at Home - Day 285

Mike and I seem to ride waves of dining out these days. We were long overdue for a home cooked meal. Tonight Mike made a request. He wanted a burger...a simple to make, tasty burger. I could do that! I stopped by the grocery store on my way home for burger fixins and fresh corn on the cob. When I checked out I realized why we eat out at so often with Coupon Cory. My tab for burger fixins for two came to $20.00. Granted I have lettuce, tomatoes and sandwich thins left over for another meal, but another visit to the store will be required to complete it. Unfortunately the tasty burger doesn't cook itself. It doesn't run over and plop itself down in front of me ready to be eaten. The burger pan and cooktop don't clean themselves. And Mike and I don't talk like we do when we go out with Coupon Cory.

All this said...the burger was mighty tasty and the fresh corn amazingly sweet. The added bonus was a burger bite or two was shared with Maddie. And the couch was much more comfortable than any restaurant booth or chair. So comfortable in fact, that I had a very difficult time getting out of it to write this posting.

Many hugs,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cooking Light, A Really Good Magazine - Day 284

The June edition of Cooking Light is filled with wonderful recipes for the summer months and several good articles. One in particular peaked my interest. The Healthy Living - Body & Soul section featured a story of a Colorado woman who ventured outside her comfort zone. In partnership with a friend, Ashley Devery raised funds to build a school in Tanzania for educating girls. The ribbon cutting was last November for SEGA (Secondary Education for Girls Advancement). Twenty-eight Tanzanian girls walked through the doors of a brand new two-story building complete with classroom, desks, books and dorm rooms upstairs...all thanks to the efforts of two women. Ashley's closing comments struck close to home for me - "This has been such a great lesson for me and for my kids. I tell them all the time, go out of your comfort zone, that's where life is. What do you have to lose?" This is a woman I would love to meet!

Tonight I ate the entire piece of Lemon Mascarpone Cake from Polonia Polish Restaurant. Once I took a bite, I could not stop. It was absolutely delicious. Now I understand the moans of delight from the table next to ours last night. The mascarpone icing was light and creamy...much better than any cream cheese frosting I have ever had. The lemon cake was moist and slightly tart. The combination of the two...moan-worthy. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Many hugs,


Saturday, May 15, 2010

My New Favorite Holiday - Day 283

The anticipation was getting the best of me. My new favorite holiday had finally arrived - National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. I couldn't think of a better way to commemorate the big day than by baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies to take to my Costco buddies. When the alarm went off I was raring to go. Well, maybe not raring...I pressed the snooze button 2 or 3 times.

I made dough for Toasted Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies and Choc O Chips Cookies, but only had time to bake the Toasted Pecan before work. I baked them, bagged them and headed out the door for work as a wine demonstrator and cookie fairy.

Del, Daniel, Pete, Liz, July, Mike, Maureen, Minerva, Phil, Nancy, Edith, Lili, Marsh, Cory, Boyce, Steve, Dixon, Ruby, Tom, Cissy, Justin, Leonard, Debbie and Paul were all visited by the cookie fairy. The tell tale sign was the big smile on their face and the smudge of chocolate in the corner of their mouth.

Mike's taste buds were feeling kind of frisky tonight. He suggested we visit Polonia Polish Restaurant. We had seen it last night on our German adventure and happened to have a coupon. So, Mike, Coupon Cory and I set out for a new eating adventure. Polonia is located on 17-92 in Longwood in a converted fast food restaurant. When we arrived the restaurant was full. They pulled a table apart in the lobby area and down we sat for one of the best meals we have had in a long time. Our server was a hoot. She was stressed and overworked, but attentive nonetheless. She helped Mike pick out a Polish beer that fit his palate and helped me with a Polish cherry wine. For dinner Mike took the safe route with a Chicken Cutlet with mashed potatoes and kluski...almost an instant repeat of last night. I ordered the Polish Sampler with Pierogi, Stuffed Cabbage, Smoked Kielbasa and Sauerkraut. I don't know if it was the fact that the flavors woke up my taste buds from boredom or if the food was just that good, but I enjoyed every last bite of my meal. My plate looked like it had been licked clean by Abby, the best dog ever. The restaurant had a comfortable neighborhood feel. The servers were definitely overwhelmed, but they kept us entertained with their stress filled frustration. The case by our table housed a selection of homemade desserts. I was full, but could not pass up a slice of Lemon Mascarpone Cake to take home after hearing the moans fo delight from the table next to us. If you are in the mood for something different...something comforting...something well done, you have to try Polonia Polish Restaurant. Entree prices range from $10 - $13. Polonia frequently places coupons in local publications, so check them out. Our coupon saved $6.00 on our meal. Suddenly I am in the mood to polka.

Many hugs,


Friday, May 14, 2010

Bored Taste Buds - Day 282

My taste buds were in a rut and ready for new adventures. I scanned Urbanspoon for dinner ideas to keep them entertained. My only prerequisites were unknown territory and proximity to home. I searched by neighborhood and came up with several choices - Green Lemon Cafe in Winter Park, the new Boston Fish House in Lake Mary/Sanford and Bavarian Restaurant Bar and Grill in Longwood. Mike was the decision maker and chose Bavarian Restaurant Bar and Grill. This little German restaurant got a 92% approval rating on Urbanspoon. It offered a 10% off coupon on the site. The reviews raved about the food and the service. The only down side was the location. It was located in an out parcel of a dingy shopping plaza. We were a little hesitant to venture in, but very glad we did. Our server greeted us as soon as we walked in the door. "Are you ready for some delicious German food?" he said. My taste buds certainly were, but my tummy was still full from a late lunch. Mike ordered a Pork Schnitzel with Spatzle, Mashed Potatoes and a large German wheat beer. I ordered potato pancakes with apple sauce and red cabbage. The portion size was quite large and we were very glad we limited our order to just one entree. Our server was right. Bavarian Restaurant Bar and Grill does serve very tasty German food with friendly service in a homey environment. Mike was happy. My taste buds were rejuvenated. Our wallet did not lose all its contents. Life was good.

Many hugs and Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day Eve,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spreading The Hugs - Day 281

This morning began with a productive sales meeting and then I was off to Gainesville for work with a bushel basket of hugs. Eliot, who works in my client's mail room, was the first recipient. Unfortunately he was a little camera shy or I would have captured the huge smile on his face for posterity. I couldn't pass up a stop to see my husband Mike. He filled his lab coat pockets with hugs. I got a kiss and a photo.

My next drop was to Larry, a future client. We met to discuss his printing needs and I left a sample package with an added bonus - HeartSong Cookies. Larry broke into the cookies the moment I walked out the door. It was another successful hug delivery.

Even with all the deliveries made, my basket was still overflowing. I pondered my next move and decided it had been far too long since I visited my client Dan. I picked up the phone and placed a call to see if a cookie drive by would make him happy. "YES!" was Dan's answer, with no hesitation. I parked illegally, ran inside for the drop off and got another huge smile in return.

This was fun! I could do this all day long. No really, I could. If money was no object...cookie fairy would be my career of choice. So many cookies, so little time. I headed to visit Lee, Scott and Lorraine. More hugs. More smiles.

Margaret was next on the list, but she was not home. Her hugs were tucked inside her mailbox for a post workout surprise.

Then I began the trek home to Orlando to rescue Maddie for a walk around the lake. The evening was beautiful...warm, but not humid. Maddie and I both benefit from the exercise. Unfortunately Maddie is getting about as round as I am. We definitely need to continue this tradition.

I still had a few cookies left in my basket and decided I can never have enough smiles. So off I went to drop off cookies to Vicky for her trip tomorrow. I gave some hugs and got one in return.

My final cookie fairy destination was a visit to my mom. She greeted me with a cup of tea, a hug, a kiss and a big smile. We sat and talked about "stuff", something we rarely do. It was the perfect ending to an extremely fulfilling day. COOKIE FAIRY...that title has a really nice ring to it.

Many hugs,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Preparing for the Big Day - Day 280

Tonight on my way home I stopped by a Finch Paper cocktail party at Citrus in downtown Orlando. It was an intimate gathering of mostly printing sales reps with a few designers sprinkled in. I sipped on a glass of Merlot while catching up with old friends in the industry. The appetizer buffet was impressive. I sampled a lobster fritter, crab cake and flatbread pizza. All were quite good and I wanted more, but Maddie was calling and she wanted to walk. I headed home still hungry...imagine that?!

Maddie and I went on a brief walk. Then I headed for the kitchen. I warmed up leftover pasta from the weekend and plopped down on the sofa to ponder my evening endeavor. Yesterday I discovered May 15th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. I decided I would use my evening to prepare for the greatest holiday of the year. I whipped up a batch of White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan Cookies and Toasted Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies and decided to spread the hugs throughout the week leading up to the big day on Saturday. On Saturday I want to experiment with a flavor combination I have had up my sleeve for a few months. Of course, it involves chocolate chips with a few surprise additions. Hopefully it will be holiday worthy. As the kitchen is filled with the most intoxicating smell on the face of this earth...freshly baked, warm chocolate chip ccokies, I bid you good night!

Many hugs,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dreaming Out Loud - Day 279

This morning I received an e-mail from Pei Wei Asian Diner offering 25% off your bill if you placed the order online. So, Pei Wei it was for lunch. I ordered a cup of Thai Wonton Soup and (2) Veggie Spring Rolls for $4.95 including tax. Pretty cool. The online order placement was user friendly and the order was ready at the requested time. A mobile option is also available. Well done.

As I sat in the parking lot eating my "thrifty" lunch I was slapped in the face by the state of our economy. A young woman with a baby in tow motioned to me for help. I rolled down the window to hear her plea for food. She asked if I could go to one of the restaurants in the plaza to get something for her to eat. She is living at the Salvation Army with her son, but missed a meal. I pulled out $1.00 from my lean wallet and handed it to her. She sheepishly accepted and extended her hand to shake mine. "My name is Kimberly. Thank you so much for your help!" It may have been a scam, but somehow I think not. I think the tears and panic in her eyes were genuine. This is the "Power of Good".

Tonight I met my good friend Dennis at The Catfish Place in Apopka for some good eats and dreaming out loud. We got there early to take advantage of the early bird specials, but discovered an even better option. On Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. two can eat for $14.95 with the purchase of two beverages. The list of menu item choices is impressive and the meal comes with your choice of two sides and hush puppies. Dennis and I opted for the Fried Shrimp. I ordered cheese grits and a salad...Dennis a baked potato and salad. The service was friendly and prompt. The bill put a smile on our face - $20 and change for a delicious meal for two.

As good as the meal was, the conversation was better. Dennis and I discussed the next steps to take in bringing HeartSong Cookies to life. I vowed to do the research on the costs involved including business license, insurance and commercial kitchen rental. Even though I am a little tired of talking about the dream and want action, I do feel I move one step closer every day. With the help of Mike, Dennis, Kenda and Vicky kicking me in the backside, my dream will become a reality. For now, I have to be happy with dreaming out loud.

Many hugs,


Monday, May 10, 2010

Eat Dessert First - Day 278

My work travels found me in Largo late this afternoon. I could see St. Petersburg in the distance. St. Petersburg means two things to me - the Tampa Bay Rays and the best gelato I have ever tasted in my life. The Rays were in California, but Paciugo Gelato Cafe was still exactly where I left it over a year 300 Beach Drive in downtown St. Pete. And it was calling my name. I called Mike and told him I HAD to go on my way home. I could hardly contain my excitement as I walked in the door to peruse the case filled with the creamiest, tastiest frozen confection flavors you will ever put in your mouth. The person behind the counter offered me a taste. I wanted to try every flavor, but showed a little restraint. I tried Blueberry Sorbet with an intense fresh blueberry flavor, Mediterranean Sea Salt Caramel, buttery with the perfect salty touch and Coconut filled with an intensely wonderful taste of the islands. I ordered a medium cup with three flavors. I could not pass up my favorite flavors from last year...Pistachio, Chocolate Hazelnut and added a new favorite - Coconut. To say it was AMAZING would be an understatement. I honestly think I would drive 2 1/2 hours from Orlando to get a cup of this gelato. It is just that good.

Many hugs and GO MAGIC,


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day for One - Day 277

Mike left early this morning for Jacksonville to attend the TPC golf tournament with my son Ryan. The tickets Ryan received from his new job with the Jaguars were meant to be my Mother's Day gift, but I had to work. So Mike was my stand in. I got up shortly after Mike left and decided to embrace my aloneness. After a call to my mom with Mother's Day wishes, I sat in a chair, put my feet up, painted my toe nails and took a deep breath. Then I headed to Panera to pick up breakfast and ate in my mobile dining room at the Maitland Farmer's Market serenaded by dueling musical interludes of soulful gospel music and folk rock.

A visit to my mom was next on the agenda before work. I delivered a card, bottle of wine and a modest gift to my loving mom. She was elated. That is something I love about my mom. You could give her a penny or pick a flower from the yard and she would make you feel like you just gave her a million dollars.

Work at Costco was filled with post writing and lots of mothers with their kids. It was strangely comforting since I couldn't be with my family. And then more magic happened. Vera, one of the CDS demonstrators, stopped by with a receipt. She had gone to the front of the store and paid for a frozen mocha latte as a Mother's Day gift for me and a thank you for all the cookies I had given her over the last year. There goes that wonderful "Power of Good" again. I think Vera is long overdue for some more cookies.

Since watching a Food Network show this morning featuring Indian food, I have nurtured a craving for something spicy...Indian or Thai. I invited my friend Kenda to join me on my spicy endeavor and she gladly accepted. We met for dinner at Sea Thai, voted best Thai restaurant by the Orlando Sentinel for 2009. We began our meal with Tulip Dumplings...delectable steamed dumplings filled with ground chicken and shrimp, corn and cilantro. The presentation was beautiful. We both chose a different type of curry for our entree. I opted for Panang Shrimp Curry. Kenda ordered Red Curry Shrimp. They both were delicious...spicy, but not over the top. The service was wonderful. I think every server working tonight stopped by to check on us. Our favorite was a young Thai gentleman with a smile as big as Montana and a gentle nod of the head. Sea Thai is a well run restaurant that I would definitely recommend.

Mike called on his way home from Jacksonville. He and Ryan had a wonderful day together and you could tell by the happiness in his voice. Surprisingly, I had a wonderful day as well. The cherry on top was a card Mike presented to me from Ryan when he walked in the door. The message warmed my heart - "Mom, Everything I am today (well, almost everything) is because of you. You have given me someone to look up to and strive to be. No matter what I can always count on you being there for me. I hope you enjoy living vicariously through me because it's going to be quite a ride!" Ryan, I am enjoying every minute of the ride.

Many hugs,


Partnership - Day 276

I love to entertain, but unfortunately lack of time and money prevent much partying from happening at my house. The next best thing is helping others put together a party. Today my friend Vicky and I did just that.

A couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from Julie, a friend of a friend. She was looking for help putting together a surprise 40th birthday party for her husband Tom and asked if Vicky and I would be interested. Of course! Getting paid for doing what I love with one of my favorite people was a no brainer.

Working with Vicky is a partnership made in heaven. I like to cook and make things look pretty. Vicky likes to clean and keep things organized. I am stressed and frantic. Vicky is as cool as a cucumber. I like to interact with the guests. Vicky prefers the shadows. I am the perfect "ying" to Vicky's "yang". We work...boy, do we work!

I picked up Vicky around 4:00 to begin our latest catering adventure. We headed to 4Rivers to pick up the food Julie ordered to be ready by 4:30. Here's where the stress kicked in. The order wasn't ready. The guests were arriving at 6:15 and the order wasn't ready. I panicked. Vicky calmed my nerves. "We can only do the best we can do." "Everything will be fine!" she kept repeating. Finally around 5:00 the food came out and we were on our way.

We arrived at the beautiful home of Julie's in-laws, Jo Ann and Lawson to stress attack part 2. Julie bought the Sterno and racks as I suggested, but we had no pans for water to prevent the food from burning. Yikes! We had an hour to familiarize ourselves with a strange environment, put out cold appetizers, heat the warm appetizers for butler service and find a way to keep the barbecue warm. I was stressed...very stressed. I barked out orders to Vicky. She calmly took it and did whatever I asked. Julie's sister-in-law ran to Costco for pans.

Cheese cut and tray out - check. Chips and salsa out - check. Hot appetizers in the oven - check. Everything coming together - check. Stress evaporating - check. Appreciation of my partner - check. The pans arrived with the first of the guests. The barbecue was saved. Beer and wine started to flow. Appetizers were passed. Laughter filled the home. Julie pulled off a wonderful surprise birthday celebration for Tom. And we helped. Happy dance! Finally around 10:15 with the last slice of birthday cake cut and the last dish washed, we headed on our way...very hungry and tired. We headed straight for Cheesecake Factory for an appetizer dinner to celebrate success and a new partnership. This is the start of something good. This is the start of HeartSong Catering and Small Event Planning.

Many hugs,


Friday, May 7, 2010

It's All About the Dots and Crosses - Day 275

To me standing out above the crowd is all about the details...dotting the "i" and crossing the "t". It is how I approach everything I do. It is what I admire the most in other successful people.

Take my husband for example. Mike pays attention. I am still floating from the dinner he made for me yesterday. He listened to the sadness and frustration in my voice and knew exactly how to make it better. He remembered my favorite cake and baked it for me. My favorite ice cream flavor was picked up at the store. He served the delicious Hamburger Helper dinner on my favorite plate placed on my favorite wicker tray. A glass of my favorite wine was poured and served with a frosted mug of ice water. He paid attention to the dots and crosses. Mike did this all for me and it made all the difference. I will NEVER forget that meal.

Many hugs,


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who Knew?! - Day 274

Who knew that bliss could be found in a plate of Hamburger Helper made by my husband Mike?!

Today was another one of those tough ones. I found out my already challenged bank account was compromised by a double electronic draft by one of my creditors and it would take 4-6 weeks to rectify the mistake. Uug! This almost sent me over the edge. Thanks to encouraging text messages from my brother and a calming phone call from my husband I jumped back onto solid ground. I continued on my trek around Florida for work totally oblivious to the wonderful things going on in my kitchen while I was away.

My husband Mike does not like to spend much time in the kitchen. He prefers to leave the cooking to me. Unfortunately I also haven't felt like spending much time in the kitchen. To humor me, Mike and Coupon Cory have accompanied me to many cheap dinners out. Cheap, but not as inexpensive as carefully planned dinners made at home. Carefully planned plates of bliss like the Hamburger Helper dinner Mike made for me tonight. A $6.00 dinner that was better than any fine dining meal I have ever enjoyed. Mike made Bacon Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper served with an amazing salad filled with all sorts of goodies found in our fridge and Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. He had it all ready on my favorite tray when I walked in the door. A glass of white wine and a frosty mug of ice water were waiting for me on the table. I was giddy. This meant more to me than he will ever know.

And just when I thought the evening couldn't get any did. Mike came around the corner with the most beautiful thing I have seen in a very long time...well at least since I set eyes on the Hamburger Helper. Mike had made a cake. A cake just for me. My favorite kind of cake. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I could not stop smiling. But wait...there is more. He went to the freezer and pulled out a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Not just any Ben and Jerry's, but my favorite flavor...pistachio.

As I write this post tonight I am floating ten feet off the ground with a big smile on my face that just won't go away. I am truly the luckiest girl in the entire universe.

Who knew that bliss could be found in a plate of Hamburger Helper and a slice of homemade cake? Mike did.

Many hugs and kisses for my wonderful husband Mike,


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Loss And A Gain - Day 273

Most of you know I am a huge sports fan. I listen to sports talk radio all day long as I drive the state for my job. Today I was struck by the passing of the legendary Detroit Tigers broadcaster, Ernie Harwell. I am not a Detroit fan and know very little about Ernie, the broadcaster. What struck me was Ernie, the man. Story after story came over the airwaves about what a good man he was. He made EVERYONE he met feel important. I loved the quote from the speech he gave to the fans as he retired from the broadcast booth. "I may have been a small part of your life, but you have been a large part of mine." Amen. This is the Power of Good.

Around my birthday last year I join a laundry list of restaurant websites and posted the info. I think it is about time to bring out that list again. Last week I received an e-mail from one the sites I joined - Bahama Breeze. As an "Island Insider" I was invited to celebrate Cinco de Mayo Bahamian Style from 5-7 today. Insiders had to RSVP to attend and the perks included one free cocktail, complimentary appetizer buffet and a passport note pad with $10 gift card. My husband, Mike and friends Kenda and Mark joined me in the celebration. It was a great way for Bahama Breeze to thank its loyal customers for their business and an awesome way to enjoy an inexpensive evening out.

Here are some of the sites I have joined so far. - Island Insiders - Olive Garden Family Table Newsletter - Fresh Intelligence Newsletter - The Fresh Catch Club - Longhorn's Western Hospitality Club - Emagazine - Posta Toscana - EClub - California Pizza Kitchen e mail - Maggiano's Little Italy E mail List or - Club Veg - Amici Club - Email Club - EClub - Arby's Extras

Many hugs,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If You Text Them...They Will Come! - Day 272

Today I embraced my cash starvation and had fun with it.

Breakfast was a very unhealthy sampling of tea cake shower remnants washed down with a cup of coffee from the McDonald's dollar menu. Their coffee is actually quite good and downright great for the price.

Lunch was an equally unhealthy bowl of ramen noodle comfort and three Dove chocolates from Kat's chocolate drawer.

Then came the fun part. The blog and cash starvation have inspired me to sign up for a variety of restaurant web sites and text message programs. Mid afternoon I received a text message from one those programs. Chick-Fil-A in Waterford Lakes sent a text message offering a free 8 pack of Chicken Nuggets with any purchase from 3-5 today only. I frantically tried to get all my work done and bolted out the door about 4:40 to arrive just before 5:00.

If you text them, they will come. I was amazed at the turnout. The drive thru line circled the building. All parking spaces were filled. To Chick-Fil-A's credit they handled the onslaught with grace and charm. Apologizing for the brief wait and offering the usual "It's my pleasure!" when I said thanks. My meal was a continuation of the unhealthy theme of the day - fries and unsweetened tea to go along with my FREE chicken nuggets. The bill came to $3.38 and I was a very happy camper. What a great marketing idea! Chick-Fil-A got a piece of my business and I left feeling like I had won a prize.

Many hugs and text treats,


Monday, May 3, 2010

Heart of a Maddie - Day 271

Maddie is our scared of everything dog. Right now Maddie and I have a lot in common. Today I let fear take over my day. So much for my no fear mantra. All I could focus on today was fear...fear of not having enough money to pay my bills...fear of failure...fear of change. This is so not like me, but every so often I succumb. Today I had the heart of a Maddie. Tomorrow I will have the heart of a lion. No fear. No fear. No fear. I love you Maddie, but I don't want to be kindred spirits.

Many hugs,


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heart of a Lion - Day 270

Mike and I are notorious for sleeping in on Sunday morning. Today was no different. We slept until 10:00. Ahhhhhhhh. We REALLY needed it. Too bad the extra sleep can't be stockpiled for our weekdays. The only downside to sleeping in is it leaves little time for my favorite pastime - eating. Mike was in the mood for a chicken biscuit. So we headed to Bojangles in separate cars for a biscuit drop. I bought the biscuits, dropped them off to Mike in the parking lot and headed off to work at Costco. This is NOT the way to eat breakfast!

My afternoon at Costco was spent with friends...with a little wine selling thrown in the mix. Beatriz stopped by. The two of us could talk for hours and almost did. Many cool things are happening in her life and that is a very good thing. No one deserves it more.

Then Essam stopped by, a Costco customer turned friend. What an interesting person. Essam's brain is always working...always creating new ways to make money. He is truly one of the best salesmen I have ever met. He is a charmer. Every time he stops by I get a treat...great conversation about his latest venture, followed by a sample of whatever he is selling. Last time is was Colombian coffee. This time, ladies clothing. Essam has no fear of failure. He is the perfect entrepreneur. We discussed my personal business dreams. One piece of advice Essam gave me will stick with me forever. You must have a heart of a lion to succeed in fear. No fear. No fear. No fear. Maybe if I say it enough, the fear will disappear.

I even got butler service of rolled tacos at my demo table from Minerva the CDS demonstrator. Life is good.

All this working, catering and baking has taken its toll on my desire to spend any additional time in my kitchen. So after work Mike and I woke up Coupon Cory and took him to Bahama Breeze with our $10 off any dinner entree coupon. We sat at the bar and ordered Lobster and Shrimp Quesadillas and Salmon Pasta to share. It was yummy, relaxing and I got to walk away from the dirty dishes. Happy dance!

Thanks to Essam, I have a new found heart of a lion. No fear is my mantra.

Many hugs and no fear,


Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Good Job - Day 269

Today I took the day off from Costco to help my sister-in-law Kevina hold a baby shower for my niece Melissa. We began around 9:00 prepping for the shower at noon. Kevina was so all over the place like I normally am before a party. It was like looking in the mirror. I had to keep her focused and somehow with the help of her friend Debbie we pulled off one hell of a shower. Unfortunately I left my iPhone at home so I have no pictures to share.

The menu was the perfect light lunch for goofy women playing baby shower games. We served tea sandwiches filled with homemade pimento cheese spread, cucumber or chicken and cheese, phyllo cups filled with chicken salad, crab cakes, fruit kabobs, leek quiche, tea cakes, cookies and white chocolate cake. I wish you could have been there as I watched a room full of women sniffing "poopy" diapers. Kevina cut up pieces of eight kinds of candy bars, placed a piece in eight baby diapers, microwaved them, squished them, coded them and then passed them around to the guests. They in turn had to try to correctly identify the kind of candy bar to win a prize. Who comes up with these ideas?!

Melissa received everything she could possibly need to bring little Brayden into the world. The girls had fun sniffing "poopy" diapers, avoiding saying "baby" and guessing how big Melissa's belly was for prizes. Kevina was one proud grandmother-to-be. And I was one proud catering assistant. We had done a good job of making everyone happy. Happy dance!

After a full day of cooking, serving and cleaning, the last thing I wanted to do tonight was cook. Mike and I headed to Four Rivers Smokehouse in Winter Park for dinner. The line, as usual, was out the door. We ended up having to wait for about a half an hour to order, but it was worth the wait. I ordered a brisket sandwich with sides of smokehouse corn, barbecue beans and stuffed jalapenos. Mike ordered the slider trio of brisket, pulled pork and pulled chicken with green beans, mac and cheese and barbecue beans. We ate our feast at an outdoor picnic table with some friendly strangers. It was the perfect ending to a really good day.

Did I mention that I did a good job today?! I have only bragged to Mike about 100 times so far.

Many hugs,
