Sunday, November 8, 2009

Making Lists, Checking Them Twice - Day 94

This morning was spent catching up on yesterday's posting, making lists, surveying the my disaster of a house, and watering my much neglected plants. I am definitely paying the price for goofing off yesterday.

Work at Costco was me time to make more lists and write today's blog. The week ahead is filled with lots of good stuff that requires supreme organization. I love check lists when I have a lot on my plate (when don't I lately?!). It gives me a sense of accomplishment as I check off items, saves me from my forgetful tendencies and allows for many happy dances.

Tonight I made a trial run of the Smothered Andouille Sausage and Shrimp I am serving at Bree's rehearsal dinner on Thursday. This time I served it over yellow rice instead of grits with a side of roasted asparagus. Judging by Mike's trip to the kitchen for seconds, it was a tremendous success. My brother stopped by after Mike and I had finished dinner and I warmed him up a plate. He also seemed to enjoy it. The recipe is extremely easy and I am feeling more at ease making it for a group. The trial run gave me a better sense of how much to make and timing for serving.

Dessert was a pleasant surprise...a call from by life buddy Victoria. Talking to her makes me feel so calm and centered. Victoria and I are polar opposites. I move at a frantic pace. Victoria moves and talks at a more relaxed pace. A call from her was just what the doctor ordered. I was starting to hyperventilate after reviewing the items on my lists.

Cookies for Carolyn were next on the agenda. I only baked two flavors - White Chocolate Blueberry Pecan and Cranberry Chocolate Chip Pecan. I think I yielded enough for two of her four clients. Yay! I can cross something else off my list. Happy Dance.

Many hugs,


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