Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Lovely" Woman Makes An Impression - Day 87

This morning Mike and I had a leisurely start to the day. I brought us breakfast in bed - oatmeal, coffee and banana bread. We watched the replay of the Gator game. I watched the part I missed from yesterday and then took off for Lowe's to buy plants to refresh all our sad looking planters. Then it was on to work at Costco. Thank goodness I had my old spot back and traffic was substantially better than yesterday. I sold more wine in the first two hours than I did the entire four hours yesterday. Hopefully this will make Joe a little happier than yesterday. Of course it cannot match the 100 plus bottles Joe magically sells in 10 minutes every time he is on his own. I don't think I will ever be the salesperson Joe is. Carnival Barker is not my style.

People watching hit a new low today. There was a woman, her young son and teenage son that approached the aisle where I was located. A gentleman was inquiring about my wine and accidentally blocked part of the aisle. Instead of politely asking the gentleman to move, they jerked the cart out of the elderly man's hand. I was appalled and had to say something. I blurted out "Thank you for being so nice!" in my most sarcastic voice. The "lovely" woman yelled out as she disappeared down the aisle "Thank you! And what is your name?!" I told her and really hoped she would report me. What would she say? That I accused her of being something she was not...NICE?! I cannot believe the disdain and hate that emanates from some people. She is definitely a member of "The Power of Poop"!

Dinner was a Take and Bake Pepperoni pizza on special at Costco for $6.99. We asked our roommate Jim to join us for dinner. This was definitely a meal fit for the cash starved. I washed it down with some Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. Aaaah, a pleasant ending to the day.

Tonight I finally posted a welcome to my new website for HeartSong Cookies. Check it out at For now, it is not much to look at, but I plan to post more photos and info over the next couple of weeks.

Many hugs,


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