Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekend With Chris - Day 358

For some unknown reason, our friend Chris thinks we live a really exciting life. So every so often we pick him up for the weekend to prove him just how wrong he is. I picked him up late this afternoon to begin this week's installment of excitement. At Chris' request we headed straight for Brio for a dinner of Peroni beer and Tuscan Tasters. While low on the excitement meter, the food was good and cheap and the conversation quite lively...not. But Chris seemed to enjoy himself. Then it was on to Bake Me A Cake Cafe to meet Kenda and Mark. While the bakery case was quite stimulating, the conversation had a glazing effect on Chris. Poor guy. He had to endure talk of the horrible state of the printing and advertising businesses, layoffs, unemployment, no jobs and worry.

The icing on the cake was a visit to my least favorite retail establishment in the entire universe...a WalMart Super Center. Cash deprivation requires thrifty shopping and unfortunately WalMart is the place to go for thriftiness. They have the best price on Nestle Chocolate Chunks and I needed some for a BIG Heart Cookie order I got this afternoon. Plus, what is more exciting than people watching at WalMart on a Friday night?!

By the end of the evening Chris was catatonic...that is until Mike handed him the remote. Nick at Nite here he comes.

Many hugs,

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