Friday, July 16, 2010

Tub of Goo - Day 344

Tonight Mike and I met for a Happy Hour appetizer dinner at Cheesecake Factory in Winter Park. It had been a while since we had paid them a visit and the menu had a few changes...changes for the better. In addition to a large selection of $5 appetizer selections, drink specials were added to the menu. Mike ordered a $4 Blue Moon on draft. I opted for a $5 Cosmopolitan. For dinner Mike chose burger sliders and nachos. I ordered the fire grilled artichokes. When the food arrived our little bar table was overflowing with goodness. The portion size was tremendous and we ate and ate and ate until we could not take another bite. The bill was a nice surprise for such a wonderful evening of gluttony...$25 for dinner and drinks.

The only problem with gluttony is the feeling you have afterward. Instead of feeling satisfied and happy, I feel like a tub of goo...a great big tub of goo. For me overindulgence is not a rare is becoming the norm. Overeating and no exercise do not make for a happy Kathy. I have to stop posting, working and talking. My ample bottom needs to get off the couch and waddle around Crane's Roost, Lake Florida or the mall. Tomorrow morning I am starting on a mission. Mission Happy Heart. Since my year of posting is about to come to an end, I am going to somehow channel that same compulsion and commitment into fitness. Wish me luck!

Late this afternoon, pre-tub of goo, I took another step toward opening my business. I ordered the training materials for my food certification...the next step in the plan. Mike and I discussed the business opening date, settling on early September and cookie pricing, settling on anything over my usual, free. We still have lots of details to work out, but we are making progress. And progress is a very good thing!

Many hugs,

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