Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Souper Evening - Day 356

Tonight I needed comfort and relaxation. I found it in the fridge. Soup is my perfect idea of comfort food, so tonight I decided to throw together a chowder from the leftovers I found in the fridge. The result was a Mac and Cheese Chicken Corn Chowder. It sounds decadent and it was. But it was also very good.

Sweet onions were diced and thrown in the pot with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. After they softened a bit, I added corn cut off one ear and a little chicken stock. Five minutes of simmering cooked the corn until it was still a little crunchy. I added diced leftover fried chicken cutlets, skim milk, hot sauce, leftover mac and cheese, a little Parmesan cheese, a teaspoon of butter, Weathervane seasoning, salt and pepper. The result was creamy, cheesy, hearty comfort and the perfect vehicle for hot sauce...lots of hot sauce. I washed it all down with homemade red sangria. Maddie was my dining partner and she loved the chowder as much as I did.

After three days of feeling lousy, doctors appointments and medical procedures, I was ready for Couch Potatoville. What a great destination. A laptop, a bowl of soup, a glass a wine, lots of pillows and Food Network on the tube. This is a souper way to spend an evening.

Many hugs,

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