Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Comfort Sandwich - Day 352

As I sat next to Mike and across from Christine and Ryan in the booth at Athena Cafe, a feeling of extreme comfort came over me. The feeling didn't have much to do with the Athena Special platter before me or the big bowl of creamy grits. While both were delicious comfort foods, they don't affect me quite like this. This was a feeling of peaceful bliss that only comes from being surrounded by love.

I am sure the few of you that read my blog on a regular basis must want to gag when I wax on with my sentimental musings. I honestly can't help myself. Challenging times and hormones seem to be the perfect potion to awaken my senses. I see things I never saw before. Feel things so much more intensely. Appreciation takes on a new meaning. In good times I enjoyed my life, but I don't know that I ever truly appreciated it. Now I wrap myself in the good times like a child's favorite blanket and I won't let go.

After work Kenda, Mark, Mike and I set off on an eclectic evening of fun. We headed to Raphsodic Cooperative Company for vegan bakery items and Morgan and David's Designer Showdown event. It was an evening of self discovery...Mike and I discovered we REALLY like our animal products. My Earl Grey Blueberry cupcake was a nice balance of fresh blueberries and tea, but it was very sweet and the texture left something to be butter and eggs. Mike felt the same way about his Salted Caramel Brownie. Raphsodic has a nice vibe to it. The tea was quite good and those with a taste for vegan goodies will be happy campers.

After dessert, it was time for dinner. Still in a discovery mode, we all piled in the car for dinner at Pom Pom's Teahouse and Sandwiches. This funky little cafe serves a delightful array of sandwiches, tea and Blue Bird Bakery Shop cupcakes. Kenda and I ordered the iced tea of the day - Pumpkin Chai. To me it was delicious. To Kenda it was nose scrunching yuk. Our sandwiches and salads got thumbs up all around. Mark diagrammed a cupcake on a couple of napkins, Kenda charmingly scrunched her nose while describing less than successful evenings out and Mike sat by snickering at the goofiness of it all. I wrapped myself in the same peaceful bliss feeling of the morning surrounded by people I love.

Today was a comfort sandwich and that is a very good thing.

Many hugs,

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