Thursday, July 29, 2010

Counting Down The Days - Day 357

Eight days is all I have left of my year long blog adventure. Eight days. I can't believe that I am that close to meeting the challenge Ryan issued 357 days ago. Ryan didn't believe I would keep up a daily blog for a full year. Frankly, I didn't believe I would blog for a full year. But a challenge is a challenge.

I have a confession to make. I actually love doing my nightly posting. It is my therapy. A chance to organize my thoughts, reflect on the day, share tips about places to eat out on a budget and on rare occasions share a recipe or two. I intended it to be a blog about food. I ended up with a blog about life. It gave a handful of people who followed it religiously a window into my life. It brought me closer to my friends. It gave me much more than I ever expected.

As I count down the days, I am perplexed. With a new business only a few weeks away, time is precious. My Heartsong Cookies blog has been sorely neglected. Do I give up the daily posting all together? Do I focus on Heartsong blogging instead? Do I take a blogging sabbatical? I just don't know. Eight days. Eight days to figure it out.

Many hugs,

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