Friday, July 23, 2010

Christine's Snickerdoodles - Day 351

Christine made a special request for her arrival. She wanted Snickerdoodles and Snickerdoodles she will have. Last night I baked a batch of the delightfully simple treat to satisfy her craving. I don't think there is a better name for a cookie in the entire universe. It is impossible to keep a smile from your face when you say it...heck even when I think of the name, I smile. Come on...try it. Snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles. Admit it, you feel a smile coming on.

This cookie is the perfect Christine cookie. Christine is my son Ryan's friendgirl...girlfriend. Heck, I don't know what she is. All I know is when I get a call or a text or a facebook message from her, I have the same reaction as saying Snickerdoodles a hundred times. Christine lives in Boyertown, a small town outside of Philadelphia, and it has been far too long since she paid us a visit. Tonight is the night and I am anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Cookie baking a batch of Ryan's favorite cookies helped me pass the time. Ryan loves anything with chocolate and nuts, but his favorite is a mix of M & Ms, Mini Kisses and Toasted Pecans. I used the extra large scoop and the end result was a batch of gargantuan treats. As an added bonus, I held back big spoonfuls of uncooked dough to satisfy the inner kid in them.

Oh wait, I think I hear the door! Time for a Snickerdoodle and a smile.

Many hugs and Snickerdoodles,

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