Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Chance To Reconnect - Day 126

Tonight I met my friends, Chris, Lynne and Dewayne for dinner @ Bahama Breeze in the heart of tourist country. It was great to have a chance to reconnect and of course I brought cookies for each of them. Unfortunately Chris had to cut the evening short because he was not feeling well...or maybe he just couldn't wait to get back to the hotel room to break into those cookies. Lynne and I stayed a while and shared stories of the good personal vibes that have been born out of the challenges of the current state of our world. It is a shame that it takes our mutual friend Chris to come from Boston to get us together when we both live in Orlando.

The journey toward a REAL cookie business took another baby step forward this afternoon. I received a call from the bank where Kenda and I opened our business dream account. They asked if I would be interested in making 40 small holiday cookie bags for some of their business customers. I made an appointment for Friday morning to discuss the details. All I can say is...WOW! Time for a happy dance!!!!!

When I got home late this evening I had a craving for a little taste of something sweet. I pulled out a piece of the Lavenilla Toffee that Victoria sent me for my birthday and took a nice big bite and a nice big chunk of my front tooth came along with it. I look like a jack-0-lantern. Damn...time for a pouty shuffle.

Many hugs,


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