Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm Done...And So Is Urban - Day 143

Well the last two months have taken their toll on my desire to spend time in the kitchen. Late last night after I washed the last dish in the sink and put away the last of the Christmas feast, I pronounced myself officially least for a few days. I gave it everything I had night after night. It is definitely time for something different...spending quality time with my family.

And today I did exactly that. Mike and I embarked on a trip to the fair grounds with the hopes of finding a computer that would not make your head explode. The "Spectacular Sale" required an $8.00 admission fee that made it seem less than spectacular. We quickly headed back to our car and decided to grab a burger at a spot advertised on the radio - Johnny's Fillin' Station. It is kind of a dive joint in South Orlando that has been voted Orlando's Best Burger for several years. The burger and steak fries were both quite good and the price agreed with our cash starved wallet.

Tonight was spent with my two favorite guys in the entire universe - my husband, Mike and my son, Ryan. I talked them into going to a "Kathy movie" - It's Complicated with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. The movie was great. I would highly recommend it. With about 30 minutes to go, Ryan leaned over to tell me Urban Meyer had resigned as coach of Florida. He had received about 20 text messages during the film. As soon as the film was over, I told Mike. In shock, we went to an appetizer and drinks dinner at the Elephant Bar. Every TV had something about Urban's resignation. We all tried to figure out who would be Urban's successor. It was a crazy night I will never forget. I loved our time together.

As shocking as Urban's decision was to handle, I actually can understand why he felt a need to step back and focus on what is really important in

Many hugs,


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