Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Things Are Coming - Day 179

The "Power of Good" invaded my dreams last night. I can't stop thinking about it! I must find a way to incorporate my love of baking, extreme desire to do something to give back to society and my overwhelming need to work with my friends, all into the "Power of Good" (POG).

The first step will be setting up the "Power of Good" website. I plan on registering the domain name when I finish this posting tonight. I want the website to be a forum for information about good deeds, good people, good businesses, good charities, good products, even good recipes...all that is good in this world.

While at work today at Costco, I must have been channeling the POG vibes. Person after person stopped by to talk and share stories of trips to Italy and Costa Rica, favorite bottles of wine, dogs they adopted, dinners out with family...all the good stuff in life. I saw old friends I hadn't see in years - Kelli and Mark; old friends I just saw yesterday - Carolyn and her mom; new friends - Bev, the former Costco bakery demonstrator; my hairdresser, Sheri; my client, Joanne and my client, Dave. It was quite a party.

The fishing demo person even stopped by to drop off a handful of chocolate kisses just when hunger and boredom were getting the best of me. Good is in the air today!

After work I met Mike at PF Chang's to satisfy his craving for Chinese. We planned to share an entree to save a little money, but were pleasantly surprised they now offer a special menu daily from 3 - 6 pm. Each price point from $3 to $6 offers several drink and full size appetizer options. We ordered a pot of green tea, dumplings, lettuce wraps, ribs and fried rice. The food was good and the bill easy on the wallet. The restaurant business has definitely done its part to address the changing economic times.

Many hugs,


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