Friday, January 29, 2010

Miracle Workers - Day 177

Well tonight around 10:15 I finally saw the finish line on the project from hell. I signed off on the last proof and sprinted out the door. For three solid days I felt like my whole being was in a vise...a really large vise. I pushed, pulled, poked, prodded, coaxed, urged and threatened my client to get her project completed. I watched her head fall over on the table from lack of sleep as we attempted to write copy. I endured countless unreturned phone calls. I was a cheerleader...errand runner...writer...director...grumpy witch and finally miracle worker. Thank goodness for my good friend Carolyn...the true miracle worker. She worked with four hours sleep over the last three days to see the project to completion. Her art files were clean, organized and complete. She rarely complained (I did it for her) and handled the challenges with patience and grace. Carolyn is the true embodiment of the "Power of Good!"

Many hugs and no more project purgatory,


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