Sunday, April 11, 2010

Life is Weird - Day 249

Costco was very slooooooow today. Leaving me lots of time for absolutely nothing. This seems to be the Sunday norm. I tried to apply some of the meditation principles passed on to me by the monk that stopped by my demo area yesterday. I am really not very good at it. My brain is easily distracted like the rest of my body. Supreme focus is a challenge to say the least.

Thank goodness Mike dropped off Chris at Costco this afternoon to check out where I work and what I do. Well at least he got to check out the store because what I did today was zilch. Chris roamed the store, sampled a few tastings, shared some tastings with me, recycled boxes and gave me something to look forward to with his periodic stops to see me. To me it didn't seem like much fun, but Chris genuinely seemed to enjoy it.

Shortly before it was time to leave work an elderly gentleman stopped by to talk about wine. After several minutes the conversation mysteriously turned to his philosophy of happiness. He explained that he has always been a happy person and his secret is giving to others. My jaw dropped. It was almost like he had read my blog or my mind. He continued on...expressing the importance of listening and paying attention to details. This was surreal. I listened intently to every word. It was very cool to find a kindred spirit in the most unlikely of places...the wine department of Costco. Life is good...and weird.

After work, Chris, Mike and I descended on Five Guys for burgers and fries. I don't have a burger very often, so when I do I want a good one and Five Guys is the place to go. It was delish. Then it was on to take Chris home to Tom and Susan. This weekend was really special. Tom and Susan got a break to be alone and celebrate their anniversary. Chris got to "have a life" by spending time with us. Somehow he has the impression that we have this amazing life. I hope we didn't disappoint. And Mike and I got to feel the euphoric feeling on doing for others.

Many hugs,


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