Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome Back Coupon Cory! - Day 262

Coupon Cory came out of hibernation today to help us with our almost empty wallets. Mike and I decided to break out his Denny's Build Your Own Grand Slam Breakfast BOGO coupon for breakfast before I left for work. It had been years since I visited a Denny's. Probably because I associate it with college drunken stupors. The Build Your Own Grand Slam is actually a very good value at $5.99. You get your choice of four items from a long list of options including healthy choices like egg whites, chicken sausage, turkey bacon, fresh fruit, yogurt and oatmeal. Of course I opted for the not so healthy options - fried eggs, grits, bacon and whole wheat toast with a bottomless cup of coffee. The service was friendly and prompt. The company was awesome as usual. And the price with Coupon Cory was perfect for the cash starved - $11.00 for two complete breakfasts.

The start of work today was a little scary. I set up my table, stool and promptly began an optic migraine with partial vision loss. Thank goodness this has only happened to me a handful of times, but when it does I start to worry. Is this a precursor to something a stroke?! I remember years ago when my mom was about my age, she had the same sensation occur. I guess it is just a short circuit in our wiring. Thanks Mom!

Random Thought Part 1 - I have never understood why women wear shorts or sweats with words on their butts. It isn't attractive on anyone, but especially not on the ample bottoms that seem to favor this fashion statement.

Random Thought Part 2 - While eating my less than healthy breakfast at Denny's this morning, I could not help but notice the table tent advertising Denny's appetizers. I was struck by the unhealthy options we choose for our American diet. No wonder many of us are so included. Listen to this heart attack waiting to happen...Smothered Cheese Fries - A mound of golden French fries covered with cheese sauce, shredded cheddar cheese and crumbled bacon. Served with a side of creamy ranch dressing. Sad...very sad!

Tonight Coupon Cory tagged along for dinner. Mike and I had a free sub coupon from our local Firehouse Subs. We grabbed drinks, pita chips and headed to pick up subs for an evening picnic at Crane's Roost. The tab for dinner was amazing...$5.67 for two nice size subs thanks to the free sub coupon. We sat lake side under a canopy of trees and savored our thrifty dinner and the cool Spring air. The walk around Crane's Roost after dinner included many fun things to look at...from a hoard of prom goers to baby ducks. Tonight was about as relaxing and enjoyable an evening as I have had in a very long time. is darn good!

Many hugs and picnics,



picnic baskets said...

The Denny's Build Your Own Grand Slam Breakfast BOGO coupon for breakfast is really worth it. Coupon Cory will always be handy. Coupons should not intimidate people. In times of recession they're very valuable.

Cash Starved Foodie said...

Hey Picnic Baskets! Thanks for the comment. I definitely agree coupons come in very handy for the cash starved.