Friday, April 9, 2010

The Secret To Happiness - Day 247

Earlier in the week I mentioned the challenges my brother is having with his life and my vow to try to help him find his happiness. It has been lost for quite a while. So far my efforts have been rewarded with glimpses of a smile and good conversation. I text him several times each day with positive thoughts. Today I told him I would share my secret to happiness. It is really quite simple. Listen. Share. Give of yourself. Give until you have nothing else to give. You will be rewarded with a almost euphoric feeling of contentment and happiness. And the added bonus of friends...really good friends.

Speaking of friends and happiness...
This morning I dropped off the First Communion Cookie Basket to Rose that I made last night. Her reaction was pure joy. I think I even saw a tear. Suddenly the late night I spent until 3:00 a.m. was a distant memory. I did a little happy dance when I got in the car.

The evening was filled with Tuscan Tasters at Brio and Crane's Roost Waddling after dinner. Our friend Chris is spending the weekend with us to give his parents a weekend alone. He surprised us by picking up the dinner tab. Happy dance. I am rapidly running out of posting steam tonight. I have more happiness to share, but no energy to share it.

Many hugs and happiness,


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