Monday, April 12, 2010

Not My Best Foodie Day - Day 250

This morning I woke up in the mood for Ramen noodles. The super huge Costco size package was staring at me on the kitchen counter and I succumbed. Who said you can't have noodles for breakfast?! Not me. I popped it in the microwave and happily headed out the door, warm noodles in hand. I REALLY enjoyed my bowl of noodles until I realized I misread the package. The 210 calories I thought I was consuming was actually 420 calories because my bowl of noodles was a BOWL, not a cup...and it contained TWO servings. UUUUGGGGG!

Feeling guilty about the hefty calories I feasted on for breakfast, I opted for Pollo Tropical Chicken TropiChop for lunch. I felt pretty good about myself after this meal until I looked up the calorie count on SparkPeople and realized it contained almost 600 calories. EGADS!

Dinner was a culinary disaster. I had leftover roasted salmon in the fridge that was about to go bad, so I decided to make salmon cakes. After reading several Food Network recipes, I opted to improvise. BIG mistake. The patties fell apart as I pan fried them, but not before soaking up more than their share of oil. They were soggy, greasy and salty. My dear husband humored me by choking down two all the while telling me he liked them. I served it with a passable, not good, salad and toasted Naan bread. YUCK!

I know my daily calorie count was already past the danger zone, but I had to get the awful greasy salmon taste out of my mouth. I talked Mike into a trip to Jeremiah's in Maitland for Gelati. AAAAAH...finally something good to talk about. Mike got his usual PNutty Ice with Chocolate Soft Serve. I ordered something different - Scoop Froggy Frog (Mint Chocolate Chip Ice) with Chocolate Soft Serve. It was the bomb!

Many hugs and fewer calories,


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