Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Night of Experimentation - Day 239

After being slapped back into reality at work after a dreamy vacation, I needed something to relieve the stress of the day. I opted for a two part therapy. First I headed directly to Lowe's after work and bought plants to refresh my empty pots throughout the yard. Digging in dirt and planting things definitely warms the soul.

Then it was on to step two...cookie flavor experimentation in the kitchen. I decided to try a combination of toasted coconut and Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips to cater to my nut allergic friends. Then it was on to a cookie flavor just for me. I added dried pears, finely chopped crystallized ginger and chopped Marcona almonds to my favorite base. I had tried this once before and liked it, but could not find the ingredient amounts used. Soooooo, I have no idea if it will work, but that's the fun of experimentation. Hopefully they both will be pleasant surprises.

Many hugs and experiments that work,


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