Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Dance Day Addendum - Day 54

Last night I was so tired when I wrote my post that I completely forgot to include one of my best sources of happiness yesterday. In the midst of my crazy busy work day, I received a text from Christine, my son Ryan's (and my) friend. She asked how I was doing and told me she missed me. I really miss her too. Christine lives in Boyertown, Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia, but has spent the last two summers in Florida with many visits to our house. We have a lot in common...we love to talk and we love to hang out with Ryan. Since I was driving, I asked Christine if I could call her later to get caught up. "Of course!" she said.

After work I gave Christine a call and we talked and talked and talked some more. Christine just graduated from college with a dream to train sea lions. Unfortunately there is not a big demand for this position, especially in a troubled economy. She, like many recent graduates, is considering grad school to get a masters in sports psychology. I know Christine will be successful along whatever path life takes her.

As we were talking I looked up in my rear view mirror. In my reflection, I saw a big smile on my face while I was talking. Christine just passed my "rear view mirror test". I invented it years ago after talking to my friend Rita. A big smile while talking is an indicator that the person on the other end of the phone is someone that you should keep in your life for a very long time. Christine...I think you are stuck with me. Happy dance!

Many hugs and job opportunities,


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