Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Tummies- Day 45

I set the alarm this morning for 8:30 to watch Breakfast with the Gators, a replay of yesterday's game. Yes, both Mike and I are crazy, spoiled brat Gator fans. We watched the first half from the comfort of our bed and then our stomachs started talking to each other. They made plans for breakfast at Mimi's and Mike and I had to accommodate them.

My stomach opted for the Monterey Omelet, filled with bacon, cheese and topped with fresh avocado and fresh salsa, served with redskin potatoes, muffin, juice and coffee. Mike's stomach chose his favorite - country fried steak, eggs, redskin potatoes, muffin, juice and Diet Coke. Both stomachs finally stopped their talking and left feeling full, fat and sassy.

On to work at Costco I went. Traffic was good, but I only sold 43 bottles of wine. I did have some wonderful conversations with the customers and all in all, it was a relaxing good day.

When I returned home, I asked Jim to join us for tailgate leftovers. We grilled brats and served them with peppers and onions, broccoli salad, chips and potato salad. For dessert I grilled pineapple slices and topped them with a drizzle of caramel, whipped cream and chopped macadamia nuts. This meal was happy dance worthy.

Now I am feeling like a sluggish, over-indulgent, tub of goo that needs a little rest. Good night.

Many hugs and happy tummies,


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