Monday, September 7, 2009

Laboring on Labor Day - Day 32

I finally have a day off and what do I do?! Relax? Read a book? Be a couch potato?

Heck no! I worked...but this time on my house. Before I got started, I made a bagel run to Einstein's Bagel's for chocolate chip bagels with honey almond cream cheese. They were delicious!

After breakfast Mike and I began work in the yard. He mowed and trimmed. I weeded and weeded and weeded some more. Our roommate Jim even helped with the weeding. I asked Jim to see if today was the day Chick-fil-a was offering a free chicken sandwich if you showed up in your college colors. It was, so we all donned Gator gear and jumped in the car for our free chicken sandwiches. As you might expect, Chick-fil-a was crowded, but the staff was friendly and actually had our order ready pretty fast. Mike and I got milk shakes and free chicken sandwiches and the bill came to a little over $5.00. What a cool promotion in these troubled times!

The afternoon included mega cleaning inside the house. I am so far behind, but at least I made progress.

Dinner with Mike, Jim and his daughter Brenna, was an instant replay of the tailgate menu. I made the Boursin stuffed chicken breasts wrapped in prosciutto and then proceeded to drop them on my newly cleaned floor as I was trying to push the door open. We decided the five second rule applied and just rinsed them off and re-grilled them. Most of the cheese ended up on the floor, but they were still good. I served it with leftover tailgate corn salad, Susan's leftover grilled veggies and rice.

Of course we had to have dessert. Mini peanut butter Goo Goo ice cream sundaes were devoured as we watched the Miami/FSU game. It is painful, but I am actually rooting for FSU. I even rescinded the tomahawk chop ban so that Brenna could celebrate her Noles...UUG!

Go Gators!

Many hugs,


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