Monday, May 17, 2010

Amazingly...Dinner at Home - Day 285

Mike and I seem to ride waves of dining out these days. We were long overdue for a home cooked meal. Tonight Mike made a request. He wanted a burger...a simple to make, tasty burger. I could do that! I stopped by the grocery store on my way home for burger fixins and fresh corn on the cob. When I checked out I realized why we eat out at so often with Coupon Cory. My tab for burger fixins for two came to $20.00. Granted I have lettuce, tomatoes and sandwich thins left over for another meal, but another visit to the store will be required to complete it. Unfortunately the tasty burger doesn't cook itself. It doesn't run over and plop itself down in front of me ready to be eaten. The burger pan and cooktop don't clean themselves. And Mike and I don't talk like we do when we go out with Coupon Cory.

All this said...the burger was mighty tasty and the fresh corn amazingly sweet. The added bonus was a burger bite or two was shared with Maddie. And the couch was much more comfortable than any restaurant booth or chair. So comfortable in fact, that I had a very difficult time getting out of it to write this posting.

Many hugs,


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