Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two for One - Day 293

*#@?!~!%@?!!**! Therapy

I hate to admit it, but there are certain times that require a little #@!**~#@?! therapy. A drive alone in the car, yelling words that never, ever come out of your mouth in public...can be quite liberating. Today was one of those days. A day to purge pent up anger at a co-worker and months of financial frustration. @#?!!**~@!!!! Life is good...again.

What Is A Friend?

These days the word "friend" is thrown around like it means nothing. Facebook has taken care of that. Today I got a huge reality check when it came to friendship and I am very glad I did. Sometimes it takes pain and disappointment to make you realize what true friends are.

True friends are the people that see all your warts and love you anyway. They believe in you. They empathize with your pain and want to make it go away. They dream with you. And make you laugh. They share their thoughts and feelings. And listen intently to yours. They offer advice you may not follow. And are OK with that. They share the elation of your triumphs and the despair of your defeats. A true friend...forever friend, never thinks just of themselves. They think of the two of you...the give and take of a relationship. They don't keep score. They will always be there on the other end of a phone call, knock on the door or click of the mouse.

I am blessed to have several true, forever friends in my life. After today, I have never appreciated you more. One of them sent me this link to make me smile. It worked. Check it out.


Many hugs,


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