Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stop The Roller Coaster...I Want To Get Off! - Day 295

After reviewing my postings the last few weeks I realized what a roller coaster ride my life has been recently. One moment I'm writing about a loss of hope, the next minute, the Power of Good. Up...Down...Up ...Down...Down...Down. I HATE roller coasters...especially the drops. The good times have been really good. I feel them and relish them with all my being. But the bad are really bad and I feel them to my very core.

I crave consistency. I need level ground. A long, straight boring the road to Tallahassee. Instead I have the Skyline Drive with no guard rails and no brakes.

Tonight I was back to my routine of dining alone. I cooked some whole wheat pasta and topped with leftover cream sauce. The zucchini my dad gave me last week evolved into spicy zucchini and tomatoes, served with a glass of wine and a nice fresh salad. Tonight's dinner guest was a re-run of Housewives of New York City. What a train wreck of a show. It is so bad! The cast embodies all that I dislike in the world...pretentious, obnoxious, petty people. But somehow if I stop for a moment on my channel surf, I just can't turn away. I long for a repeat of last night. A cooked to perfection, beautiful dinner at a dining table with good friends and no TV. My only solace is the smell of homemade cookies and the thought that Mike will be home soon.

Many hugs,


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